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  1. M

    Two more weeks? :-)

  2. M

    Do plants have to hang upside down during drying?

    I have a nice cardboard box I can put my relatively short autoflowers in for drying (I've cut holes on box walls and intend to keep it in an air-conditioned room) but it would be much easier for me to simply stand the plants up and lean them against the inner walls. Would there be a difference...
  3. M

    Weird outdoor plant

    Hi guys, I'm growing two Humboldt Seed's Bubba's Gift plants in 65 gal pots in my backyard. I seeded both plants at the same time, and mostly they've both been receiving the exact same treatments at the same time. The "weird" plant did develop some sort of fungal disease about two weeks ago, it...
  4. M

    Male or female? ¿Masculino o femenino? Männlich oder weiblich?

    I got two of these Bubba's Gift plants, and one of them is exhibiting some strange qualities - is he/she getting into flowering mode? She's about 90 days from seed into the ground, outdoor plant in Bay Area, CA. Any help appreciated!
  5. M

    My First Outdoor Grow

    Hey all, I wanted to share some photos of my plants and possibly get some helpful commentary! I'm in Bay Area, CA, and I've started two Bubba's Gift plants from seed about ten weeks ago. Plastic cup to 5 gallon pots to 65 gallon pots with supersoil and Fox Farm Ocean's Forest. I'm also...