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  1. W

    Best way to harvest?

    I read to clip the plant and hang to dry but I also was told to snap the stalk but not all the way so it pumps the remaining life Into the buds, is that actually a thing ? Lmk your thoughts
  2. W

    Best way to get rid of springtails

    Just noticed some tiny things in the soil when I watered googled it and turns out there springtails , what's the best method to get rid of them
  3. W

    1 month into flowering hows it looking

    Yes I know a better light would be better but this is what I got rn
  4. W

    Couple weeks into flower how's it looking?

    Anything I could do to this plant to help it out like what would I defoliate and is it to late ?
  5. W

    Male?? Almost 100% now but if like a opinion

    Should I pull this
  6. W

    Male or female ?

    They are a week and a half into flowering on a 12/12 schedule , thought I'd see some development by now , if you have any thought on if it's a male or female let me know what y'all think