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  1. JMystery

    Can anyone identify this issue?

    Hey there, I'm growing two different types of plant just now in the same (small) tent. One is showing the issue in the picture below and the other looks completely fine. They are both 8 weeks old from germination. Can anyone tell me what the issue likely is? I thought originally it was a...
  2. JMystery

    Air pot size for Northern Lights Auto

    Hallo, I've got an indoor grow (single small tent with spider farm LED) of Northern Lights Auto. She's in her 5th week in a 9.5 litre Air Pot as seen in the picture and looks pretty happy for the moment (happiest plant I've had so far!). I assume 9.5 litre isn't gonna cut it eventually so was...
  3. JMystery

    Is this ready to harvest?

    Hi folks, this is my third plant now (probably most successful so far). Just wondering if now is the time to harvest. I was aiming for a later harvest for more sedation effect but unsure from the photos whether it's arrived or not. Deffo not clear tris anymore but is this about right for...
  4. JMystery

    Brown drying leaves (part 5)

    Ugh... me again! So following on from various other posts (including this one) the plant is another 2 weeks on and still I'm seeing browning on almost the whole plant. This is day 54 (week 8) and I've been strictly controlling the PH now for a while since the last post but it's still got the...
  5. JMystery

    Dying leaves - part 4 (the final insult)

    Hi all, I've posted a few threads about this problem. Basically the issue is I have a plant which (since the second week of development) has had dying browning leaves. The saga was in these threads: First post about the issue (calcium / magnesium deficiency?) Second post about the issue...
  6. JMystery

    Leaf browning getting worse - please help!

    Hi folks, really hope someone can help here. I originally posted this thread because my few week old plant had some browning issues. I took advice and am now watering daily but the problem seems to have accelerated somewhat. I then posted this post to check if there was anything else I could...
  7. JMystery

    Continuing brown leaf issues

    Recently I posted this post, where I said that my 22 day old plant was getting issues with dry lower leaves. Following the advice I've been watering daily (around 1L) with plenty run-off but still seeing the issue appearing on newer leaves. Plant doctor says either a Boron deficiency (rare)...
  8. JMystery

    Calcium / magnesium deficiency?

    Got a brown spot on the two lowest leaves. Plant is 23 days old and browning appeared a week ago. She's growing in 70 coco / 30 perlite. According to this guide, it looks like calcium or magnesium deficiency. Anyone confirm this or offer alternative reason? I did give her a little cal-mag...
  9. JMystery

    Fungus gnats and coco

    Hi all, On my first grow in soil I had a massive battle with fungus gnats. On this grow 2 weeks in (only one plant), I'm already paranoid about the little buggers coming back but this time I'm growing in 70% coco / 30% perlite. Because i'll be feeding daily in this medium, i'd imagine the...
  10. JMystery

    Droopy leaves at 2 weeks

    Hi folks, Wonder if you can take a look at this picture and tell me what's likely to be wrong. This one is 14 days since planting. She seemed happy enough, then this morning I check in and find her drooping like this. Fairly sure I'm not over-watering - been careful of that. She's under a...
  11. JMystery

    Auto Kryptonite (Pyramid seeds)

    Just wondering if anyone has grown any Auto Kryptonite from Pyramid seeds? What kind of height, yield and taste does it have? Cheers,
  12. JMystery

    Light intensity and distance (spider farm 1000)

    Hi folks, I've just invested in a Spider Farm 1000 LED light for my tiny 60 x 60 x 140 tent. I'll be growing only one dwarf plant (Auto Kryptonite) starting next week. I notice the light is dimmable down to 20% and wondered if anyone can offer any advice on what distance and intensity I...
  13. JMystery

    Questions about pots!

    I've been doing some reading around the forum and various other places, but still unsure about whether to go with plastic pots / fabric pots or airpots for my next grow. I've already got a bunch of different sized fabric pots but now unsure whether I should stick with those or go to airpots...
  14. JMystery

    Fungus gnats around empty bag of soil

    Today, I noticed that a bag of soil which I'd stored away after my first grow, had loads of fungus gnats around it. My understanding was that they are attracted to stagnant conditions and the larvae feed on the roots of plants - but my open bag of soil had loads of them. Has anyone else seen...
  15. JMystery

    My first grow, my many errors and some questions

    Morning! (Long post alert - but good for noobs thinking about growing. If you can't be arsed to read the background, you can skip to the questions at the bottom). I joined this community recently because I started having issues with my first grow. I made a shed-load of mistakes along the way...
  16. JMystery

    White widow auto - is it ready or far beyond!?

    Hi all, Sorry - incoming noob post. Never grown anything in my life, so this has all been a bit of a lesson for me. I have a White Widow Auto (Ministry of cannabis) which is now into it's 12th week. Growing it indoors in a grow tent, with a 1000w LED light. According to the site where I got...