Search results

  1. TaoRich

    Outdoor : Keeping a male growing long enough to harvest pollen

    So I'm busy sexing out my 7 week outdoor plants by way of pre-flowers. I am selecting females to grow for the duration of my Southern hemisphere outdoor season - 12/12 is beginning March - bud harvest is end May 2023. This morning I found my 1st confirmed male, and it is seed from an unknown...
  2. TaoRich

    Chicken (hen) or birds pecking at my seedlings?

    Has anyone ever had any experience of chickens pecking at their cannabis seedlings or plants? Or any other birds? I have some leaf damage on my plants - young seedlings about 12" / 30cm tall - 1 gallon / 4.5 litre planter bags - outside in the garden - ground level on the paving The damage...
  3. TaoRich

    Does topping delay pre-flowers for sexing ? (outdoor) (photoperiod)

    Southern hemisphere outdoor grow. 27 seedlings in 1 gallon black planter bags. - 5 are feminised seeds - 22 are unsexed Legal limit here is 8 flowering females. I am waiting to sex the balance to see which lucky girls get a lifetime home in their final pots. Currently at 5 weeks from...
  4. TaoRich

    2022/2023 South African Outdoor Growers

    Howzit from Cape Town ! Starting this thread to see if we can get some traction for local outdoor community sharing and support this season. ( and take our minds off the frustration of rolling power blackouts, and give us some positive feels & vibes instead ) - - - I am in the final stretch...
  5. TaoRich

    Girls in Skirts : 'mulch' fabric apron keeps topsoil fresher & more alive

    Hi, Just thought I would share an experiment that seems to be working well for me. The topsoil in my outdoor pots was getting pretty dry, cracked and crumbly ... a lot of the organic living soil was looking rather lifeless. That was from a lot of sun roasting and gusty wind from our summer...
  6. TaoRich

    Start of BLOOM : What are your favourite natural supplements - Outdoor - Organic

    Simple question ... the title says it all. My outdoor girls are just beginning to bloom. Throw some healthy natural ideas out at me to make them happier and juicier. - ideally not specialist Branded stuff that I need to buy. - stuff I can collect, or brew, or ferment. Like: Fresh Kelp -...
  7. TaoRich

    Southern Hemisphere Sanity Check : Are your plants starting to flower ?

    Grower Greetz from Cape Town, South Africa. Any other locals or other Southern Hemisphere growers starting to see more pistils appearing ? The reason I'm asking is that I've just finished sexing the last of my seedlings, and I seem to have gone into an overlap mode between: pre-flowers in my...
  8. TaoRich

    Leaves have 'rusty' spots and fringes - 6 weeks old outdoor

    Hi folks, Looking for a bit of help and advice please ? Symptoms rust brown spots rust fringes rust tips to a lesser degree close up full size and other images attached below Plant outdoor mostly sativa germinated from seed origin: my girlfriend's crop lat year Soil 6 / 7 weeks old...
  9. TaoRich

    Wind burn - Outdoor grow : Will any sort of foliar feed help ?

    Greets, So I live at the bottom tip of Africa - where the Atlantic Ocean meets the Indian Ocean - and the clash of those two mighty ocean weather climates gives us the name of The Cape of Storms. The wind has been howling for a week now - gusty blustery non-stop - shaking my 6 week old plants...
  10. TaoRich

    Can a plant repair spider mite damage ?

    Hi guys and girls, Can or does a plant repair minor spider mite damage to the leaves ? I noticed some minor white stippling on some of the leaves on some of my 6 week old plants earlier this week. I paid closer attention after a day or two, and did a proper underleaf inspection. Sure enough...
  11. TaoRich

    Living Soil : My beg borrow & improvise vermicomposted mix - Comments & Advice ?

    Greetz from Africa Hi folks My first legal grow ... our local laws have recently changed My first grow in 10 years ... I've been a bit of a slack b*st*rd My first totally organic grow ... going with a living soil outdoor grow I'm actively looking for advice and suggestions Am I missing...
  12. TaoRich

    Greets from the bottom of Africa : Cape Town Organic Grower

    Hi Grow Buds Mid 50's holistic thinker ... always looking at the bigger picture ... always trying to play connect the dots. A bit of a crazy experimentalist ... still living life and exploring like a curious 12 year old. A day without learning is a day wasted First grow in over 10 years ...
  13. TaoRich

    Rootbound : More likely when fed poorly ... or fed well ?

    Greets My Question With regard to how plant roots develop in size and bulk and density ... according to how poorly or how well nourished their soil is ... Do poorly nourished roots grow more thickly & quickly in the search for more nutrients ? - or - Does a well nourished root system grow...
  14. TaoRich

    Gallon to Litres : US Liquid vs Imperial ... going potty

    Greetz Growers I'm in South Africa where we use the Metric System of standard units of measure. I'm seeing gallon to litre conversions all over on web sites and grow forums where: Half the people convert as: 1 gallon = 3.785 litres US liquid gallon And the other 8/16ths convert as: 1...