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  1. DoctorChaos

    Planting cover crop seeds while soil is Cooking?

    Is there any reason I shouldn't throw a bunch of seeds into my soil mix while it's cooking to let the roots start the myco action? I have a ton of flower seeds and pea seeds, I was thinking of letting a bunch of things sprout and smothering them with straw when my cannabis plants are ready to...
  2. DoctorChaos

    How Much Substrate Can One Gallon of Compost Tea Inoculate?

    According to my aquarium pump is only powerful enough to brew one gallon of compost tea at a time. I have 25 gallons of soilless substrate to inoculate (Pro-Mix Premium Organic Vegetable and Herb). Will one gallon of tea be enough?
  3. DoctorChaos

    Soilless Organic Mix Critiques / Advice?

    Hey guys, I'm looking to make 25 gallons worth of growing substrate for an indoor grow. The following is a list of all I have available right now: Base Substrate: Pro-Mix Premium Organic Vegetable and Herb Mix Ingredients: Canadian sphagnum peat moss, coir, perlite, gypsum, calcitic lime...
  4. DoctorChaos

    Legendary seed hasn't popped in 8 days - Need opinions

    What would you do? 1. Pull it, dry it thoroughly, scuff it, replant it 2. Hold and hope it activates before rotting
  5. DoctorChaos

    First-Run Heath Robinson's Black Rose

    Hey everone. Back in the late aughts, I was a member of a forum called HG420. I'm sure a few of you were members there as well. My memory of the exact events are a bit hazy, so if anyone has a better memory of the details, feel free to correct me. There was a highly respected HG420 member named...