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  1. 420mannen

    Going away for 7-8days..

    So, I have leave for 7-8 days guys. And I have my autos doing their thing, is it better to leave the lights on or off while I'm gone? I know ''no light'' can't hurt the plant atleast but what happens if they ''sleep'' for too long? What would you do?
  2. 420mannen

    Droopy leaves! Anyone knows how to correct this?

    Anyone knows what can cause this? I watered her yesterday and today she looks like this? You think it could be the temp or something?
  3. 420mannen

    droopy leaves/ soil medium

    Hi guys! Are these ones going to be okay? I'm using Golden Label Soil which have nutes in em for the first 4-6weeks it says. I'm at day 25 and I've used a 10l bucket, which I filled up about 5-7l ish and blasted some nutes to the water. Like maybe 1/5 of the reccommended dose of advanced...
  4. 420mannen

    Droopy Leaves!

    Hi guys! Are these ones going to be okay? I'm using Golden Label Soil which have nutes in em for the first 4-6weeks it says. I'm at day 25 and I've used a 10l bucket, which I filled up about 5-7l ish and blasted some nutes to the water. Like maybe 1/5 of the reccommended dose of advanced...
  5. 420mannen


    U guys think I should harvest?
  6. 420mannen


    Hi guys! What is the perfect time to stop giving nutes to the plants? Is it like 1 week or 2 weeks before harvest? I'm at week 9 (63 days) with my white widow auto and it should be finished like 75-80 to 85 days. Today is food-day and I thought of giving them one more blast before harvest...
  7. 420mannen

    Spots on leaf

    What could this be? Should I be worried? It was only this one leaf that had this.
  8. 420mannen

    ''Droopy Leaves''

    What could cause this droopiness? They seemed to react this way when I gave them food, the soil was dry before feeding.
  9. 420mannen


    Is it okay to use 300w LED and 140w LED in a single growtent together?
  10. 420mannen

    Small yellowing starts to show!

    I start to see small yellowing at the tip of the 2 bottom leaves (Just above the tool I use to LST) Is it time to add small dose of nutrients or what does it say? The color is really pale yellow to be more correct. (I know the LED is fucking the lights up on this pic, but I try to describe...
  11. 420mannen

    Growing Curvy!

    Is this curved one a problem? How do I fix this curviness if it's an issue?
  12. 420mannen

    When should I start using nutrients?

    Hi guys! When should I start using nutrients for my plants? I grow autoflowers in Gold Label special mix soil. It has base nutes in it already and today I'm in week 1 on my lovely grow. It says on the description of the soil that I don't need to use any nutes in the first month at all? Is that...