Search results

  1. Bogwort

    Boy or Girl? Or too early?

    Flipped 48 hrs ago. First signs of pre flowers have shown in the last 6-8 hours. Any idea of sex? Other 6 in the tent yet to reveal themselves.
  2. Bogwort

    Heat, light stress? Or both?

    4 week old. Soil grow. Temps can get high around 38 degrees Celsius( taking care of that. Leave ac on in room during hottest part of the day. Brings tent to 28 degrees) Humidity around 60%. Enough water and some nutrients.18/6 Marshydro TS1000 LED 150w, about 50cm above tops. Some plants have...
  3. Bogwort

    Bag Seed Tent Grow

    Living in remote outback Australia means if you want to smoke you pay. And pay you do. $500 AUD an ounce. And the quality is often sub par but like I said if you want to smoke you pay. Well after much browsing, reading and the wife saying no, (easier to ask for forgiveness than permission) I...