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  1. L

    200 amps

    Electricity getting dropped Tuesday I’ll have to figure out how to get a thread dedicated to the progression of this hobby grow. Once panels in I’ll start wiring everything (mostly) @ 240 then time to get hvac in place, dehus, tables and lights! Trying to narrow down which led to go for...
  2. L

    First buildout I actually own can you double check my math and tell me if I’m nuts

    Finally bought a home & finally have the ability to grow with no partners or boss. Room dimension 18 feet x 15 feet x 9 feet 12 800 watt leds 108 plants ( 9 per light or 4x4) 2 gal coco containers on irrigation. figuring on avg +- 2000 milliliters/day per plant. 2000x108 plants =216,000...
  3. L

    Under feeding or over feeding? Stumped.

    Showing calcium and magnesium issues. flora flex 1.6 ec Temps 80-83 nighttime 73-75 Humidity 55-62 day night 50-55 Fluency led 1 foot from canopy RO water Coco coir 70/30 Co2 1200-1300 ppm Strains peanut butter breath and platinum wedding cake. last run off check this morning 1.6 5.9—-1.6...