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  1. M

    Why did my plants trigger or is this normal

    My plants are 3months old and I feel like they triggered I'm not sure if this is normal or if I'm tripping I'm running a 18/6 light cycle any body have answers?
  2. M

    Transplant shock

    I just transplanted and was wondering when does the plant show transplant shock symptoms if it did get shocked was just skeptical cause I had the roots out for about 20seconds
  3. M

    Need help !

    So I rinsed out some gatorade bottles to bottle up some nutrients that my friend gave me ...when I close the bottles they fogged up thy did not smell once finished rinsing but when I got to my friends it smelled like gatorade still and it was still moist buy it was r.o waster I seen like a...
  4. M

    How soon after transplanting can you fertilize?

    I just transplanted last week haven't fed or water my plants since was wondering if I could already feed normally or is it to early what do u guys think ?
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    How to prevent trnasplant shock

    Does mykos help prevent transplant shock ?
  6. M

    I need help u guys ove been trying to get answers but no one seems to kno what it is the problem is getting worse now i see it on a secont plant can!!

    I need help no one's has been able to give me an answer problem is getting worse the leafs are discoloring wanting to dry out but dnt kno if it's deficiency or a disease
  7. M

    Need help with my plant

    My plants is asking for help but I dnt kno what's going on with it or what it is can you guys pleas help
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    Need help

    My little baby is showing a sign but idk what I'm is what going on ....looks like The foliage is cracking or something it's a lighter green a a lil spit on their
  9. M

    Whats the best time to Transplant in the morning or night ?

    So my baby's are growing so fast I have them in red solo cups the roots are coming out of the bottom already was trying to find out what time is best for Transplant early in the AM or in the night any suggestions?
  10. M

    Need help asap

    So I accidentally forgot to turn my lights off at10pm last night I woke up at 3am turned them off I am in vegitative stage....was wondering if I'm gonna disrupt my plants sleep if the lights have to go back on at 6am ...will they get shocked since they only getting 3hours of sleep it's the first...