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  1. cozyboytro

    Wedding Cake Auto x2 Grow Journal

    Hey guys TRO here, I'm on my first grow here and I'm growing Two Wedding Cake Autos and one Strawberry Banana Gelato XL Auto, but I'll make a separate thread for that, as I started the germination process during different times. Equipment: Lights: LED Viparspectra p2000 200w x1 Medium: Coco...
  2. cozyboytro

    Coco vs Soil medium for a First Timer?

    Hey relatively new grower here, I'll be setting up a 2x4 (80cm x 80cm x 180cm) Tent with ViparSpectra P2000 200W lights. I'm thinking of going with an auto flowering strain but I'm still unsure about that. My question is which would be a better medium for a beginner soil or coco? Could I grow 2...
  3. cozyboytro

    New here and to Growing! (Need LED advice)

    Hey everyone! I just joined the site and have been recently thinking about growing since I've gotten my own place now and would like to make a small indoor setup that could fit 2-3 maybe 4 plants. I was thinking about going with an LED light setup and wouldn't mind investing for a quality...