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  1. V

    Am I seeing this right?

    So I have two bruce banner fast fem one is still white haired and not ready but this one... i think it's 7 weeks? But it looks like it's turning amber already no fade and still has a couple white hairs. Is this normal for these fast flowering strains? I feel like this is ready for me to chop as...
  2. V

    vaped flower butter

    So I've been playing around with saving my vaped flower because it's my preferred method before i go to work. I have a small mason jar it's like a little drinking cup size and once it gets half full I put it in with a stick of melted butter and make brownies from it, I have to say it's quite...
  3. V

    My third grow so far.

    Hello, figured I'd show where my favorite girl is at right now. This is my red hot cookies and it's looking like it might be pretty decent smoke. I think im in the mid 30s to 40s day into flower? i honestly don't keep track very closely. I have 2 bruce banner fast fem that are looks pretty...
  4. V

    Hello from Vermont

    Hello everybody, Just thought I would give it a try join a community of like minded individuals such as yourselves. I am currently on my third real grow (i've tried a lot in the past), at the moment I have two Red Hot Cookies that are both turning pink, and I also have two bruce banner fast fem...