Search results

  1. I_Miss_OG

    How much do you pay for an 1/8 where you live?

    $15-20 an eighth for scwhagg, $30-35 for mids, and $50-60 for some dro. - N. UT
  2. I_Miss_OG

    Ebb and Flow Flood Depth / Plants per square meter questions

    36"x36"x7" flood tray with the grow room walls pretty much lining the tray exactly. How deep do I flood the water? How many plants (NLxBB) can I fit in this space? (36"x36"x68") Also how fast should the tray flood? Also looking for a good pot size and brand to use. I've taken the time to do...
  3. I_Miss_OG

    Jorge Cervantes Ultimate Grow DVD - Worthwhile/Informative?

    So I was thinking about getting disk 1 of his Ultimate grow set. Figured I'd see if anyone who owns a copy found it worthwhile or not. Also is disk 2 any good?
  4. I_Miss_OG

    Caramelicious. Where can I get this from (world wide shipping)

    Just looking for which site ships this world wide, I'd prefer input from someone who's delt with the company they're linking me. Also just looking for a grow / smoke report from anyone who's tried this strain. It looks delicious.
  5. I_Miss_OG

    3x3 Ebb n Flow Closet Grow - Need Help

    The closet is 36"x40"x65" I want to grow 9 plants in this area using ebb and flow. I'm looking for any type of advice I can get. Deals, Actual Setup, Anything I've overlooked, etc. Here's what I have so far: 3x NLxBB, 3x WWxBB, 3x The Church all feminized 400w Lumatek 120v ditigal ballast...
  6. I_Miss_OG

    Ok so I see these Aerogardens all over.....

    Whats the deal, are they really that easy to use and do they work that good? also how big are they, do they have room for like 4-5 plants or so? I never have seen any kind of dimensions on the thing so I guess I'm just curious. Oh and a link to a site where I can buy one of em would be nice...
  7. I_Miss_OG

    Whats the easiest form of Hydro?

    Ok basically what im lookin for is an easy, low mainenance, and cheap way to grow (I want hydro, not soil). I've looked in DWC (deep water culture aka bubbler buckets) and while i really like the idea, it can be very high mainenance and is kind of expensive. So basically what im looking for is a...
  8. I_Miss_OG

    DWC bubbler buckets (will this work)

    Ok now to explain the setup. 3 rows of 3 3 gallon bubbler buckets with a pvc pipe on the ends for checking ph, nutes etc. A pvc frame wrapped in panda wrap with tarp zippers for doors (on 3 sides), ventilation coming out of the back(w/ fans), ventilated light up top. Oh yeah, this is set up in...