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  1. S

    quik question about dolmite lime....

    Hey yall..what is the best way to add dolomite lime to already potted soil & plant ???
  2. S

    Jack's Classic 30-10-10

    Hey yall...i got another question....( i know) but anyway i went and got some Jacks Classic Orchid Special 30-10-10 w/ micronutes plant food. I was wondering if this was good for my plants which are 2 weeks old. I also got some Neptunes Harvest Organic Fish & Seaweed fert..2-3-1...Lemme know...
  3. S

    Making my grow medium outta pete pellets???

    hey yall..i was thinking about puttin a whole bunch of those little starter pellets in water, let em' swell, and then taking the netting off, and using that as my grow medium...wuthchall think???