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  1. stelthy

    How the F**** do I upload an animated AVATAR ???

    It would sound like a simple thing to do, But I just can't seem to correctly load up a new animated avatar and its pissing me of no end! How the hell do I upload it ... it keeps saying 'Invalid URL' Grrrll.... I wanna smash my computer with a bat! Someone please tell me/show me how the hell...
  2. stelthy

    Which HDTV to buy ???? ...Decissions .... !!!! - STELTHY :leaf:

    Hi one and all, now I know HDTV's have pretty much nothing to do with 'POT' unless its to view awesome movies when your high as f*%k! or to view Trichs in ultra hi-def etc... Point is I am after the 'BEST' HD-TV in both a 55" and another in a 32" the 55" needs to have the 'SMART' function and...
  3. stelthy

    DWC "FLUSHING" with...................... ?? - STELTHY

    Hi one and all, I am steadily approaching my Harvest date and would really like to hear from all DWC growers what their best method of 'Flushing' is what they/you use ie/ Plain PH balanced water, or a flushing agent etc etc.. ?? I would like to hear all views : Pro's and Cons, and from what...
  4. stelthy

    Every usable grow light under the sun :) - *stelthy.

    I have decided to start a thread where I am openly inviting members to post pics and info of every kind of usable light source, ie MH, HPS, PLASMA, CFL, LED, and all variations all different makes, new lamps old lamps etc etc including reflectors/packaged lights etc... I have decided to start...
  5. stelthy

    STELTHY's P.C Mini Project (HPS) !!!

    Hi RIU, I have decided I want to do a P.C growroom just for a laugh and as a kinda 'hobby' I have a few ideas up my sleeve and as usual will be going OTT with pretty much everything :) Below are a few things I am planning to incorporate within the P.C case :- .......SHOPPING LIST...
  6. stelthy

    HTC App. (Canna) !!!

    Hi, I just found a seriously +REP! worthy app for HTC devices :) !!! Canna has a 'Grow-Guide app' !! and its very VERY useful/helpful.. Meaning upon Res. change I no longer have to go back and forth from my Cab. to the kitchen etc etc.. I can just look on my phone and all the info is right...
  7. stelthy

    Roots Question / Ultimate design - Lighting PLEASE HELP ASAP! - STELTHY :leaf:

    Ok as many of you have probably seen I like to modify/chop n change all my Grow-Cab accessories, well here's the thing!... I know plants cant see Green Light so thats why a Green Light is perfect for a night light.. But.. Could I add "GREEN NEON LED SPOTS" in the DWC Res.. to show a...
  8. stelthy

    X-Ray Wavelengths and Photosynthesis - STELTHY :leaf:

    I have been looking at the entire spectrum and after a lot of reading have ruled out Infra-red,Micro-waves,UV-A,UV-C & Gamma Ray... However I have found that controlled voltage and filtered appliance of X-Ray is beneficial to plants... More to come - STELTHY :leaf:
  9. stelthy


    Hi one and all, I have seen 250W,400W & 600W Club threads and no doubt there is one for the Hardcore 1000W peeps.. I have seen Cannawizards UV-B thread and I have since started using both Blue spec, Red spec and UV-B giving a FULL SPECTRUM to my girls... I want to start this thread for all...
  10. stelthy

    UV Black Lights ?? will they do anything....anything at all ?? - STELTHY :leaf:

    I am currently running 4X Blue spec CFL's, 1X HPS, and a UV-B tube... and purely out of interest I am curious to find out if the UV-(BLACK-LIGHT's) will do anything at all as far as assisting my plant/s in there mission for Bud... I know that Infra Red = heat and is bad for plants causing thin...
  11. stelthy


    Hi, this is the 1st time I've had this problem.. and its mainly or completely because of the hot weather we've been having. Its very very hot during the day (9am to 9pm) however the outside temps drop considerably at night aka 12 midnight onwards.. my plant/s in Flowering period now and the...
  12. stelthy

    Newb Question ..... Faily advanced grower !! ....

    Ok I switched into flower about a week ago... today I left my Green light on by accident, all throughout my plants night cycle... will this effect my plant/s ie revert back to Veg etc ..?? Or since they can't see Green ... will they go un-effected and I can continue as normal ??? Best answers...
  13. stelthy

    Solar Panals.......

    I am interested in Solar Panal's & taking my Grow off the grid. My question is :- Does anyone know how many Solar Panels I would need to provide electricity for the full duration of a grow averaging at approx 1000W ?? Also if anyone is powering their grow with this method please elaborate...
  14. stelthy

    Can we have a STEALTH CABINETS sub-section under 'In-door Growing' ??

    Hi, I spend a lot of my time trying to track down Stealth Cabinet/cab grows and think it would be great if there was a place I could go and see them all listed and ready to be read, what are your thoughts...Is this a possibility ?? - STELTHY :leaf:
  15. stelthy

    Which ratio Advanced Nuitrients 'Hammer-Head' 9/18, 4/10 or 4/8 ???

    Hi, I have a question I stopped using CANNA's PK 13/14 and started using Advanced Nuitrients 9/18 instead.. although sometimes my girls leaves leaves have been burnt even though the yields have been impressive.. But whats the deal with HH 4/8 and HH 4/10 ? Does anyone know which variation...
  16. stelthy

    ORCA ....... More Reflective than MYLAR !! is anyone using it ?? - STELTHY :leaf:

    I visited my Local Hydro Store today and was informed there is a reflective film available which is much much more reflective than top quality MYLAR... Below I've added a LINK to a test of it :- Here's a LINK to ORCA's web page :-...
  17. stelthy

    DUAL ARC Vs DUAL SPEC.. Which is better ???

    Hi I am still trying to determine whats better for Flowering, a DUAL ARC lamp or a DUAL SPEC lamp.. The Dual Arc has an HPS and MH in the one lamp, and the Dual spec has just the HPS part, but has a higher (than hps) spectrum with more blues in it.. In theory they should be about the same...
  18. stelthy

    Should I up-grade ??? - Decisions !! ........

    Hi RIU I have a dilemma, my hardcore 6" Prima Clima in-line fan with speed and thermostat controls is running at about half speed and it wont speed up like it used to :( :( :( I dunno if I can get this fixed, or whether I should buy a new in-line fan.. with just a built in speed controller...
  19. stelthy

    Ok I am on-line and ready to buy a portable AC But which one ??? HELP !!!

    Hi, basically as the title depicts I am ready to buy an AC unit... but am not to sure whats good and whats not and what size BTU? that I'll need.. I have a 2 plant DWC cab with a selection of 250w, 400w, & 600w HID lamps used (one at a time).. but my main prob is the INSANLY HOT WEATHER that...