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  1. R


    About just started 3 week of veg.
  2. R

    My grow

    My girls! Hoping they are healthy!
  3. R

    How do they look?

    I’m not sure, if these are looking premature for 11 days old, minus the 2 with burn, are these looking healthy, and normal? Sorry new to the growing game, thanks!
  4. R

    What am I dealing with here?

    I have diatomaceous earth, so far after I got rid of that one haven’t seen anything else, will this be a recurring problem?
  5. R

    Anybody see this before?

    Not only are the blades getting a yellow tint to them but the leaf on the side is starting to twist curl, anyone run into this problem? Any help would be much appreciated!
  6. R

    Been 3 days sprouted, not sure why the leaves are curling

    Can anyone tell me, why my seedlings leaves are curling? On an 18/6 light/ dark cycle, and being watered, could it maybe be lack of nutrients? I am using Jiffy natural and organic seed starter mix. Any help would be much appreciated. Thanks