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  1. i.NeeD.A.LiGhTeR

    Major Yellowing. Help asap!

    They are almost 3 weeks into flower. They started yellowing right at the switch but i didnt think anythimg of it since a little leaves dying is normal. But it has couninously progressed to where leaves are completely dying off on a daily basis. I thought it was Nitrogen but I fed them with veg...
  2. i.NeeD.A.LiGhTeR

    Chopping early for butter?

    I have a girl that has been flowering for about 2 months now. About a month ago I let it nearly completely dry out causing it to eventually lose all fan leaves and hasn't shown much growth since. I have to other girls that have been flowering just as long and their buds are twice as big. I would...
  3. i.NeeD.A.LiGhTeR

    First try at LST, Purple Maroc & Violator Kush. (Poor Quality Pics Inside!)

    Well I'm bored and decided I wanna post up a few pics showing how my LSTing is coming along, the ol' ladies out with the digi camera so I had to take em with my cam... sorry for the shity quality ahead of time, when I get around to it again i'll post updated pics with much better quality. I...
  4. i.NeeD.A.LiGhTeR

    When does it stop?

    If im not mistakin, marijuana after the switch stops root growth to focus on bud making. If true, how far in does this occur? I transplanted my girl about a week ago and just got my HPS but dont want to waste all that soil. Thanks for any help
  5. i.NeeD.A.LiGhTeR

    Where to buy HPS?

    I don't have any Hydro stores anywhere near me, the closest is like 3 cities over. So it looks like ima have to shop online, anyone got any suggestions on where I can find reasonable priced HPS systems? Im looking for a 400w.:hump:
  6. i.NeeD.A.LiGhTeR

    Molly. Anyone done it?

    I did some yesterday, I liked it. It was a much cleaner roll than X that was for sure but didn't last near as long, that could be a good thing though in some situations. Anyone done it? I want peoples thoughts on this and I'd like a couple questions answered.
  7. i.NeeD.A.LiGhTeR

    CLONES have some kind of BUG.

    I took 10 clones almost 3 weeks ago. 4 have rooted and are growing well while some are taking a bit longer. I got a little impatient and picked the worst looking clone that hasn't changed since day 2 and pulled it out of the peat pellet. I see what looks like a small tap root forming, I tried...
  8. i.NeeD.A.LiGhTeR

    Where do you go to get your sand?

    I probably can't get any at Walmart or Lowes can I?
  9. i.NeeD.A.LiGhTeR

    Shes dying slowly but surely... (PICS)

    My plant was started from seed 2 months ago. Im keeping her now under 24/7 CFLs as a mother that im planning on cloning soon (once I get everything ready), a few days ago I noticed the bottom leaves yellowing and dying off, shes pretty big though so I figured it was because she wasn't getting...
  10. i.NeeD.A.LiGhTeR

    Miracle Gro Organic + Perlite= ?

    Burned plants? I didnt see any other kind of perlite so I grabbed the MG and I didn't see that it was enriched with MG plant food, I figured it was but I was in a hurry. MG Organic Gardeners Choice Soil also has fertilizer in it, im not sure how much though... anyone know if my plants will be...
  11. i.NeeD.A.LiGhTeR

    Trimming. They call them "LEAVES" for a reason.

    How close/well do you trim your buds? I've been looking at harvest pics lately and see a lot of people leave a little leaf material and some peoples seem to leave most of the smaller leaves poking out from the buds. Am I the only one who prefers to not smoke leaf? I trim my buds completely and...
  12. i.NeeD.A.LiGhTeR

    Did I REALLY Just Do That??

    bongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmilie Ok, I just got back from watering one of my 2 spots and after looking over my plant I see what looks like mold! I eagerly grab the plant and gently bent the main cola to examine the mold... a little bend and snap. I go inside grab sissors and twisty...
  13. i.NeeD.A.LiGhTeR

    Tried as a minor skipped court, now an adult?

    This isn't drug related, but the forum said anything law related and you guys seem to know the law well and I didn't know where else to go. My Nephew got into alittle trouble when he was 16 (at the time turning 17 in 3 months.) He got popped with three Felony 2's and was incarcerated in JDC...
  14. i.NeeD.A.LiGhTeR

    Outdoor Simple Soil Mix. (Need alittle Help)

    Im transplanting a few of my girls tonight into the ground. I will dig the holes and im planning on recycling the Native soil that I dig up and mix it with my Miracle Gro potting soil, Blood Meal (+Nitrogen), and Pelletized Gypsum (+Calcium, Solphur). I will be mixing the potting soil and native...
  15. i.NeeD.A.LiGhTeR

    WTF! Frost TOMORROW.

    I just seen on the news we are getting some frost tomorrow moring around 2am. Its supposed to get down to 28 degrees... I have no way to get to my plants, I have 5 2 week old babies and 1 thats alittle over 1 1/2 months. Not to mention the 35+ germed seeds I planted 2 weeks ago but I never...
  16. i.NeeD.A.LiGhTeR

    Found this in my Backyard. (MJ? PICS)

    I was sitting at my table where we all smoke and break up weed and I looked out the window and seen these 2 plants. I guess someone threw seeds out the window I mean thats VERY possible. Well I went outside and plucked the smaller one to examine and I'm almost 100% sure its weed. I've seen mass...
  17. i.NeeD.A.LiGhTeR

    Can I use this Miracle Grow?

    .Miracle Gro Garden Soil for Flowers & Vegetables. I bought 4 bags of Miracle Gro potting soil and used them with no problems to my girls, but I found this bag of miracle grow in my...
  18. i.NeeD.A.LiGhTeR

    Good outdoor spots? (Google Earth Pics)

    I just got hip to google earth:), this year im growing outdoors and now have 25 plants out. I downloaded google earth to check out my spots and decided to look for new ones. So, my question is do these spots look good for a little MJ growing:joint:? I'm going to put 10-15 in each area.
  19. i.NeeD.A.LiGhTeR

    When to transplant?

    I have 5 seedling in seperate pots. They are in 6x4in pots. Right now they are 2 days old from seed. Once they're ready to transplant I will be moving them to my spot where they will join their older sisters. My question is how long should I wait to transplant? I waited a month for the other...
  20. i.NeeD.A.LiGhTeR

    First Grow '09. CFLS 2 Sunlight. (I'll need Help...)

    I have grown a plant from bagseed. It sprouted March 27th so today its 3 Weeks and 4 Days old I Guess... im High... But anyways I had it under CFLS for 3 Weeks. I Moved it outside 4 days ago and I'll be checking on it Later tonight (I'll be posting pictures). I havent seen it since the move so...