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  1. J

    Urgent tips pls

    I top dressed her abour a week & 1/2 ago she was looking fine I got a bit busy this week tho and didn’t water her for about 4 days but she was still looking good a little yellow but looking healthy I look in the tent this afternoon and she looks like she’s dying. Picture below
  2. J

    Should I be concerned

    About a month and a week in i top dressed her about 4 days ago because her leaves started yellowing and she bounced back but she also started showing yellow tips, I’m going to move the light up a few more inches just wondering if it could be other issues
  3. J

    Should I topdress now or give it a few days

    This is my second grow I started with a seed I really had no hope for, I just threw it in some left over Pre-amended coco coir. But she sprouted I planted the seed on June,28 and she’s been growing strong ever since I topped her once already about 3 days ago. Now my question is should I feed now...