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  1. nick the sick maniac

    FEEDING with potassium bicarbonate (grrencure)????

    My plants have been having a powdery mildew problem for some time now and ive been kindof keeping it in check with a soap/baking soda mix at first, then i bought the product called "greencure" (a potassium bicarbonate solution) but it hasnt been exactly working too well. Its supposed to be...
  2. nick the sick maniac

    FEEDING potassium bicarbonate (greencure) to plants?

    My plants have been having a powdery mildew problem for some time now and ive been kindof keeping it in check with a soap/baking soda mix at first, then i bought the product called "greencure" (a potassium bicarbonate solution) but it hasnt been exactly working too well. Its supposed to be...
  3. nick the sick maniac

    i need funny pranks for april fools day

    i need pranks for april fools day tomorrow and i havent thought of any funny ones. i need some really over the top pranks this year that just go too far and piss alot of people off. ive done pranks last year but they were kind of lame. ive done: 1. plastic wrap on the toliet 2.shit in the top...
  4. nick the sick maniac

    i need a good fluffy sativa strain for outdoors

    i live in the pacific northwest and it gets very humid outdoors during flowering time so when i grow dense indicas the bud rots. so i am looking for a nice sativa strain with fluffy airy buds or mold resistant with a high thc percentage any suggestions would be highly appreciated.
  5. nick the sick maniac

    accidentally put MH bulb in while ballast was set on HPS. whats going to happen?

    i have a 400w switchable ballast h.i.d. and i was changing bulbs from the high pressure sodium to the metal halide but i forgot to flip the switch from HPS to MH when i turned it on. is there going to be any problems with the bulb or ballast now or any other bad stuff thats going to happen or am...
  6. nick the sick maniac

    question for all the canadians..

    ive always wondered whats its like living in canada? is it pretty much the same as america except for some of the lingo? and was there ever native americans living in canada when it was first disovered if so would that make them "native canadians"?
  7. nick the sick maniac

    who else likes to put together those little plastic model cars?

    i love these things they're one of my many many hobbies. ive probally spent thousands of dollars on these things plus all the paint and glue. the revell and amc brands are my favorite.
  8. nick the sick maniac

    escaped murderer mental patient on the loose...

    i was just watching the news and they said that an escaped mental patient that murders people is on the loose in my area. according to them they were taking a group of loonies on a field trip to the park and he escaped. but what i really dont understand is why the fuck was this guy let out to...
  9. nick the sick maniac

    myspace, twitter, facebook, ect...

    who still has one of these things? what the hell is the point of it for people to have 500 friends and in reality you only talk to about 10 of them? cant anyone use a phone anymore? what ever happened to email? i use to have a myspace a couple years ago but the tom guy deleted it after i...
  10. nick the sick maniac

    Which swear word is worse? - cunt or fuck

    im curious to know this as i think fuck is the badder word but where i live everyone acts like cunt is the worse thing you can ever say. am i right or wrong on this one?
  11. nick the sick maniac


    just found this one and had a good laugh. bongsmilie if its too small to read it it says "when something lies out of arms reach... all you need is a helping hand"
  12. nick the sick maniac

    who else here steals their internet?

    because i do. i connect off somebodys belkin rouder with my laptop its awesome because they have comcast and ive been doing it for like 4 years now haha. thanks belkin54g!
  13. nick the sick maniac

    this rain is killin me

    it been heavily pouring around here for a couple days straight now and the weather man says its gonna be a few more days untill it stops. my plants are 3 weeks into flower and the humidity is very bad around 70 - 100%. but i bet you californians dont know anything about that do ya? with your...
  14. nick the sick maniac

    which brand of PK 13/14 do you reccomend?

    i was going to buy some canna pk 13/14 but then i noticed that there are a lot of other different brands out there so if anyone has any experience with any other ones please feel free to share.
  15. nick the sick maniac

    are you truely happy in life?

    the title says it all. im sitting here puffing on a J and cant help but think that im missing something in life. kind of like im not complete. its not the first time ive had this feeling. so are you happy in life? do you feel you are missing something? or something else? sit back.. spark...
  16. nick the sick maniac

    powdery mildew outdoors

    i caught a couple spots of it on a few of my plants but im a little stumped on how this could happen as i heard people say you only get this when there is no circulation in your grow room but i grow outside so idk. i need some organic ways to get rid of this stuff because my plants just started...
  17. nick the sick maniac

    fuck bees!

    so earlier today i went outside to check on my plants in my back yard, and as im looking at my plants all of a sudden i hear a very intense buzzing sound. so i look up and i see that apparently bees have made a very large hive on the underside of my roof. 1 or 2 seconds go by and im thinking...
  18. nick the sick maniac

    yellow leaves with crazy blotches? need some help please!

    idk what the hell is wrong here, last week i found out that the ph of my nutrients was around 4.0 so i gave them a good flushing but the fan leaves still seem to be yellowing and it keeps slowly moving up the plant. ever since then i have been watering/feeding with dolimite lime added. i grow...
  19. nick the sick maniac

    lighter theives

    i hate it! and it always happens to me too and it pisses me off because i never notice until its too late and im gone. im about to get one of those leashes for my bong.
  20. nick the sick maniac

    who here watches the joy of painting with bob ross?

    i fucking love it! especially while high. theres no doubt he was high a few times when taping some shows. i cant help but crack up laughing at some of the stuff he says while he's painting. his afro is fuckin awesome too! r.i.p. bob ross the greatest painter ever