Search results

  1. Gymshoes

    What's This Hullabaloo Over Islam and Muslims?

    :blsmoke: After reading and responding to a couple of threads regarding Islam and Muslims, I figgered I'd offer this article for your consideration. I agree with the author's conclusions. 'An Islamist threat like the Nazis' The threat of the radical Islamists taking over Europe is...
  2. Gymshoes

    Nutmeg: A Legal High

    I ate a whole spice can of Nutmeg once. I had to mix it in ice-cream it tasted so bad. I was stoned for a looooog time. Got cotton-mouth, red eyes, the works. :mrgreen:
  3. Gymshoes

    Another sprout pops up

    :mrgreen: Hello to all from me, Gymshoes. You can call me Gym, just don't call me late for dinner! :hump: I keep finding these pot sites to join! Whew, sure are a lot of them. About me: I've been smoking since 1968, dealer free since 2002, so I'm still learning a lot. I have spinal...