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  1. juniorbob


    i have this beautiful plant growing. first off this plant mutated. instead of a set of 2 leaves per node, mine grows 3 leaves per node. ans secondly it has a tiny buds on some of the corners of the node. and im a little worried that i might turn out male. can you give me so insight please?
  2. juniorbob

    flowering, concerns

    i am about 1 week into the flowering cycle and the leave on the lower part of the plant are fallin off. none of the upper leaves show any symptoms of fatigue. is this normal? and there are tiny buds showin, but no hairs yet. im hoping for a girl.
  3. juniorbob


    alright, my plant is going through a chemical burn phase. ya i f**ked up. now flushing the soil that sounds like it will give it an over watering problem. so what? do i run water through the soil for a few seconds or what? please help, this plant was beautiful untill yesterday. oh im using MG...
  4. juniorbob

    trouble with seedlings

    i have noticed just recently, that one of my seedlingshas brown forming on the edge of the leaves. they are about two weeks old, so im a little concerned. the other ones have very light yellow starting on the leave. is this due to over heating? or over watering,? you cant see it very well. but...
  5. juniorbob

    Growing in groups

    right! so im idea, which is sorta already in the works, is growing 3 or more plants in a very close area. so what im trying to do is make a big bush. is is possible? or will they choke each other out untill one is left? also can you get a marijuana plant to live longer than a year but un-harvested?
  6. juniorbob

    getting a clone from a shocked plant

    my plant has been in shock for 2 day and im staring to get a little worried. im wondering if i could clone it to keep ith going. is that a bad idea or will it not work.
  7. juniorbob

    transplanting concerns

    well i just transplantd my first plant and well i fucked up, i heard a snap in the roots as i was transplanting, and now the top of my plant is slouching. its at a 90 degree angle to the rest of the plant, is my plant SOL, or am i just triping