Search results

  1. lazy88

    Swine flu & brickweed

    Do you think we could get swine flu from smoking brickweed..maybe im just stoned and thinking too much..but you got a bunch of mexicans..coughin and hackin all over the plants:spew:..they are choppin and makin bricks off..sending them.all across the states..then we smoke...
  2. lazy88

    male or female

    im guessing males...sorry crappy pics.. but from what i have seen these are looking like males.6 days flowering.....whatcha think??
  3. lazy88

    Lazy & His 'MeanGrean"

    HELLO TO ALL!! Figured i would start a thread,maybe take some advice since im so quick to give it.. so ill catch ya up to speed on this hopefully lil lady..I found 2 seeds in 3 oz's..only one popped..(hopefully im working with a female on this one) ever since it popped it has been superdark...
  4. lazy88

    Garage sale grow rooms

    I figured i would start a thread for those of us,that are just simply poor and cant afford all the nice stuff.for some of us that live week to week,50 bucks is alot of money for us..we cant just go out and buy the latest gadget or hps. come here for tips do get what you want with limited...
  5. lazy88

    Superthrive on recall??

    I went to wally world(walmart) to pick up another bottle of superthrive. I use it with every works wonders. and got to the check out.the lady told me there was a recall on it.and she couldnt sell it too else heard of this yet? are they taking off the shelves or what?