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  1. D

    Solar toking

    Anyone heard or tried this before??? My buddy heard about it... using a magnifying glass to smoke the bud, we were gonna do it out of my bong but havent yet, anyone had any experience and is it worth it or just do it quickly with a lighter and get it over with :)
  2. D

    black light growing??

    nevermind i searched it ... lol
  3. D

    not looking good :( help?!

    Oh just about 3 or 4 days ago my little buddy started to go reaaal bad looking... I noticed that it did rain a lot recently but not more than it had before, but all of a sudden the plant just became a weeping willow, and the leaves started drying up on their own and dying, some on the bottom...
  4. D

    when to 12/12...

    I've been growin my sativa for about 4 months or so, started out indoors but then let it grow to ~ 3 ft outside... I'm hypothesizing that if i were to leave the plant outside until it grew even larger, there would be a better yield at the end of the season, however i know that in my temperate...
  5. D

    quick question

    been growin my single plant for about 4 months now, started out indoors, my cat roughed it up a bit but it recovered and grew like hell till now, its about 2 feet high, plenty of leaves, but i was trying to look for some flowering but i havent seen any as of yet... I'm wondering how long could...
  6. D

    help to distinguish

    Hey guys total newbie over here... I've started to grow my first plant a few months ago now, it's some strand from Jamaica that i picked up a bunch of seeds from and brought back with me... i first started growing in in a little pot by my window, and it grew for a little while until my cat...