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  1. royal710

    Green and black caterpillars?

    So every time i go out in the morning i find these little green mainly and black caterpillars or slugs or something and there sucking on the buds not the leaves? does anyone know whats going on and what i can get to stop this and kill them.
  2. royal710

    Little black balls?

    hey on like 3 of my plants they have a bunch of little black balls. there is a lot of them clustered together im not sure if there are spider mite eggs? If you guys need pics i will post. the balls can also be brown sometime and they are all around a lot of the nugs and on some of the leaves. I...
  3. royal710

    Paper Bags or Straght to the jar?

    After hang drying should i put it in paper bags for 2 to 3 days or just straght into jars?
  4. royal710


    I have been reading a lot of threads and am not sure if it is good to have a dehumidifier while your drying your buds?