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  1. magictorch


    hi, my plants are flowering now and im not sure if i should be cutting off the leaves to let the light through, will it damage the plant or delay flowering or is it best to just leave it as it is thanks
  2. magictorch


    hello im ready to start flowering and was wondering what lighting is the best for maximum yeild can anyone help thanks
  3. magictorch


    hi could someone please explain the difference between indica and sativa plants i only heard of them now ive started growing, also im growing white widow is that indica or sativa thanks
  4. magictorch


    hello, i wondered if it helps the plants to spray them with water and if so how often as i killed my first attempt by over feeding i dont want to take any chances this time, thanks
  5. magictorch


    hello, i just started growing and was wondering if the 4 energy saving light bulbs i have for the 2 white widow plants are enough i think they give off 1500 lumens each in an area of about 2' any advice would be great thanks