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  1. OGKush00

    Looking for a good price on a single perc, or double...

    Looking for a Nice bong for a good price, I have been looking on the web for quite a bit just can not find anything NICE for under $300.. Medium- Large size bong with a single or double perc. Any help would be greatly appreciated, Will give + rep for help! :leaf:
  2. OGKush00

    Great White Shark (44 days Flowering)

    400 Watt HPS, 5 GWS from Nirvanas Seedboutique. Site says 55 days harvest time, and I think they look just ab out right on schedule. Here are a few pics, any opinions would be much appreciated. :leaf:
  3. OGKush00

    Heat Stress?

    Ok so here's the deal. I got 12 plants, 4 misc. seeds, 5 Great White Shark and 3 Mazar. 1 of my Great Whites looks like it is suffering from a bit of heat stress while the others are flourishing. Each strain is cared for as needed, but this one plant just looks like it's got it bad. Anyone...
  4. OGKush00

    Heat Stress?

    Ok so here's the deal. I got 12 plants, 4 misc. seeds, 5 Great White Shark and 3 Mazar. 1 of my Great Whites looks like it is suffering from a bit of heat stress while the others are flourishing. Each strain is cared for as needed, but this one plant just looks like it's got it bad. Anyone...
  5. OGKush00

    Second go at growing. Featuring G.W.S, Mazar, and some Misc. Seeds from Seedboutique

    So here we go again, with a bit more knowledge under my belt I am growing 5 G.W.S, 3 MAzar, and 6 other Misc seeds from Seed Boutique. Currently they are a week old, under CFL's. Vegetative: Soil: Fox Farm Ocean Forest lights: CFL's & 400 Watt MH Nutrients: Fox Farm...
  6. OGKush00

    Whiteflies... 5 weeks into flowering.. +Rep

    So my girls are about 5 weeks into Flowering and I have noticed white flies and eggs under some of the leafs.. I have Neem Oil and read up the FAQs under - was just wondering at the bottom where it notes to do a follow up spray of water...
  7. OGKush00

    Whiteflies..5 weeks into flowering... +Rep!

    So my girls are about 5 weeks into Flowering and I have noticed white flies and eggs under some of the leafs.. I have Neem Oil and read up the FAQs under - was just wondering at the bottom where it notes to do a follow up spray of...
  8. OGKush00

    Two weeks into budding, one plant is leaning after feeding, any thoughts?

    Ok, so my girls are 2 weeks into flowering. When I got home from vacation last week i noticed one of them was leaning heaily to the side... like it was extremely sad, so I tied her up and she was doing fine once again. Today I added a tablespoon of Mollasses in with my nutes and the damn plant...
  9. OGKush00

    Possible hermie, or new growth?

    I was just looknig at my girls and the next couple stems down from a preflower with pistils there are these Possibly sack looknig things, or new growth.. First time grower here so I am not too sure, they are a week into flowering, the other plant is 34 inches tall and this plant is 44 inches...
  10. OGKush00

    Insurance man coming soon, will my girls be ok with...

    So apparently the insurance guy needs to pop by the house for a quote or whatever it is they need to do.. I was thinking it may not be such a BRIGHT idea to have a 400 Watt HPS Ballast right next to my closet with a cord going into my closet, it may raise some suspicions, also probably listed as...
  11. OGKush00

    Recent pictures and uinfo on my first grow 400 watt HPS

    This is just an update of my girls that were in soil as of 4/12/09. I have also upgraded the grow room a little bit with a few things to enhance flowering a bit. Setup: * Each plant has its own 5gal bucket. * oscilating fan (broken atm getting a duel fan for better ventilation). * Miracle-gro...
  12. OGKush00

    First grow, 400 Watt HPS 4 days into Flowering

    Just got the HPS this afternoon and put it in, 400 Watt HPS, the plants are on a 12/12 cycle and I am just about to introduce them to Foxfarm Big Bloom and Tiger Bloom tommorow. Using miracle grow soil (would rather be using foxfarm soil) have a layer of Hydroton so I can get full se of the 5...
  13. OGKush00

    Potatoe buds?

    Im sure most of you have picked up a sack ro two that the smell kind of resembled potatoes a bit.. I was wondering if this could be at all cause by the Co2 system that uses yeast and sugar as its source of Co2. To me, the lingering smell of the yeast from the Co2 would accumulate in the nugs and...
  14. OGKush00

    Yeast and Sugar CO2 system question.

    I have been using the yeast and sugar system to supply my plants with Co2 through its vegetative stage and it has been working well. I have just switched my plants to 12/12 for flowering and was curious, will the yeast smell accumulate in the bud and produce the potatoe taste that I have seen...
  15. OGKush00

    Ready to Start Flowering?

    I have read many posts on this, and the closest answer i got is when the leaves start to alternate... I dont exactly understand that statement so I was wondering if anyone would mind helping me tell when the proper time to enter the flowering stage is. Currently one of my females has pistils...
  16. OGKush00

    Just transplanted, close to flower, any suggestions?

    I have two females that are in my opinion about a week out from switching them to 12/12 for flowering from my 24/0 vege phase. Both of the plants were planted after being germinated on 4/12/09. They were in shock for about a week in may due to lack of watering cause i was on vacation, and when i...
  17. OGKush00

    Swelling?? Pix available.

    So this morning I noticed abnormal swelling around the stem of my female top where the nodes meet. I have also noticed 4 or so more flower spots with pistils coming out since last night, is this just a normal phase before Flowering? or is this telling me it is time to Flower? Would appreciate...
  18. OGKush00

    Fuck me.. Please help!

    So I was just readjusting my lights and the tie slipped out of my hand and I jjust busted 8 of my CFLs... I ahve the 100 watt=26 watt 1700 Lumen Soft White Great Value bulbs from Walmart, would these do or should I run out and get some Bright White ones? my Plants are almost 2 months old just...
  19. OGKush00

    Ready to initate flowering?

    I started my plants on 4/12/09 it is now 6/5/09 less than two months old. I ahve them on a 24/0 light schedule and they are starting to show their sex... Should I switch the light phase to maybe 18/6 to help initate the flowering process, or continue the 24/0 sicne they are still so young? Was...
  20. OGKush00

    Early sign of male?

    I have looked up multiple pictures of the very early stages of male plants showing their gender. I just took these pictures of two of my plants, one is cearly a female, and the other I am hoping is not a male but I would jsut like a second opinion before I do away with it. I would appreciate...