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  1. tuffles

    Boston Bombings

    So was the boston bombing a Govt job to allow them to take your rights to buy reloading gunpowder ? you decide
  2. tuffles

    Boston Bombings

  3. tuffles

    interesting article on Cali deciding wether or to decrim cannibus Very interesting and thought out article. maybe of interest to you yanks. Wish they would do the same over here. a good debate or referumdum on drugs is what we want
  4. tuffles

    First grow, NFT hydro - A.M.S and Lemon Skunk

    eh up growers. first ever grow attempt, and so far we (joint - excuse the pun - attempt between three of us bored of being ripped off) have just done things with a bit of advice here, the odd research there. found this place, and it has been so good i started asking questions. it was then...
  5. tuffles

    NFT - help with roots

    eh up. first grow, using NFT technique. tried reading around, tried positing a few times, but still have had no reply - so thought i would try you guys. i use a gullied tray and tank system, and things have been going well for the two plants i am using. they are bushy, about 17 inches tall...
  6. tuffles

    NFT - roots question

    eh up. on my first ever NFT grow, and things going well so far. Two plants, responding well to where we put the light and about to go into flowering mode. using a NFT system with sloping tray above a nutrient tank. we have matting down, and everything seems ok. but one plant, an A.M.S...