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  1. M

    yellow spotting

    Now that we got the phosphorus problem solved, we have different spots. Small yellow spots coving the entire leaves, and the tips of the biggest leaves are dry and rolling. Any ideas?
  2. M

    phosphate deficiency?

    From browsing different threads I am pretty sure we have a phosphate deficiency. What can I do?
  3. M


    We are going to be in Oakland on Monday for the A's game and wanted to hit some places in Oaksterdam and see if we can find some different seeds or clones. Does anyone have any recommendations on places? I'm 'iffy on buying online, so this would be our best bet to get something different...
  4. M


    Hey my name is Moe, and I live in California. My husband and I have an indoor "garden" that we have had for a little over a year now. We are on our forth harvest right now. We have been lucky they have all gone really well, except for our current bug problem. I am happy to have found such a...
  5. M

    Small white bugs

    When my husband and I water our plants in the run off we are finding TONS of small white bugs that cluster together. We do not have a lot of gnats in the room, and they do not seem big enough to be spring tails. They are extremely small, and in the soil along with the run off water. We are...