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  1. mora

    I would be an asshole

    My wife hardly ever wants to have sex anymore. She always says she doesn't feel good. Now she has valid reason to say so. Her knees always hurt. her skin disorder always hurts. Most of the time when I make my moves she starts in with how she doesn't feel good etc. I roll over and say no...
  2. mora

    You're right it is annoying

    I remember reading once about how you don't smoke your weed and then sit around talking about how stoned you are. I can concur with this rule. My Brother in Law is sitting next to me on the couch. He will not fucking stop talking no matter how much attention I am not paying to him. He keeps...
  3. mora

    Marijuana Legalization : Day One

    Imagine if you will it's the day after the election. Three states have voted to make pot legal in their states. What is the next move from the Feds? A lawsuit? Troops on the ground in those states?
  4. mora

    It happened!

    I have a email address that I have had to abandon. It was the first letter of my first name and then my last name. It was nice. I didn't have a weird email address with numbers and what not after it. It started I would get receipts from orders on the internet. They would have addresses...
  5. mora

    Not an Indian giver

    I work at a gas station so I have the luck to find lots of odd coins, old coins, and foreign money. One day this kid came in to the store and she bought a bag of chips. She paid for it with a silver dollar. Walking Liberty. I took the coin and replaced it with a dollar. One day I found a...
  6. mora

    Good help is hard to find.

    I started my job back on 12/31/09. That was my hire date. I have now worked there two years and 4 months. In my time there I have trained about 10 people. None of them work there now. I have started keeping track of the people who come and go. I have had 24 co-workers that started since I...
  7. mora

    Cover them up then you bitch!

    For those of you who don't know I work as a clerk at a gas station. All the time women come in to the store with their boobs hanging out of there shirts. Being a red blooded American male I look. I "try" not to gawk so much. But I always see the women ether start to pull their jacket over...
  8. mora

    Wait what?

    I was watching this video. (Warning its 10 minutes) And I started thinking about the new planets they found. That it would take like 6 billion years to get to. I was thinking we should go ahead and...
  9. mora

    What the Fuck is this shit!

    so I am reading about my state reps and senators on I see this So my senator got up in front of everyone and wasted time giving props to a basketball team? WTF we have nothing else to do in congress? and my rep is making bills to...
  10. mora

    New homemade bong

    It works great!
  11. mora

    I think I pissed him off.

    I was sitting on the couch yesterday. My Brother in law was sitting on the other end. He was looking at the DVDs. He then pulled out the two copies the quick and the dead with Sam Elliot in it. He also pulled out the copy of the Quick and the Dead with Sharon Stone. He is showing this to...
  12. mora

    Ken Burn's Prohibition

    what to remind everyone that the Ken Burn's Doc about Prohibition is airing Oct. 2. Check local listing to be sure. Set your Tivos and DVRs
  13. mora

    Do These people even hear themselves talk?

    I am watching the History Channel show about Marijuana. for like the 20th time. Do these people who don't want pot to be legal even hear themselves talk? The 1st one it the black preacher at the start. He said "How can anything that will cause an addiction be ok" Umm So he is saying that...
  14. mora

    urine cleaners

    Do the urine cleaners work? I have never used one. I would search but that feature seems to be down.
  15. mora

    I Was Robbed

    This morning a young black man came to the store and asked for a pack of smokes. After a back in forth on what I had and what I didn't have he pulled a muti tool on me with the saw blade pulled out. Said give me the money. I cashed out the sale when the cash drawer popped out I step back...
  16. mora

    Computer Trouble.

    Ok a few of you might remember my rant about my BIL breaking my TV. This time. I think they broke my laptop. Some how. So one day I woke up around 6pm and played with my laptop on the couch. When i got done. I turned it off and sat it in a easy chair. When i left for work the laptop was...
  17. mora

    Call Your Rep!

    Its was brought up in this thread but it seems to have taken a turn. A bill was submitted to Congress to remove the federal laws on Cannabis. READ IT HERE This bill will die if we don't call are Reps. To find your Rep. Go here . This need to be done to pass this bill. Also If you have a...
  18. mora

    I Know It's My Job But It Pisses Me ff!! A Rant TL:DR

    I work at a gas station and I have been working there for a year and six months. I hate!!! the customers that come in there. They can never order all there items at once. they bring their items to the counter I ring them up as soon as I hit the cash button they say "Now I want xx item"...
  19. mora

    This make sense to you?

    So I was watching Caption Ron. It was at the start of the movie when he gets his letter and then tries to get back on the elevator. It made me think so my theory about elevators. Now my theory will not work in all elevators cause of the height of the building. But where I live the most...
  20. mora

    hidden gem! on youtube

    So i was youtubing blacklights and found this. only like 19 views Me Gusta