Search results

  1. ForbiddenFruit

    Best LED on the market?

    It's been awhile. I've grown old and the technology has advanced by light years in the near decade it has been since I have grown anything indoors. Back then there weren't any LED's worth getting. I suspect that has changed by now. I'm reading the other threads, of course, but if you...
  2. ForbiddenFruit

    THE Holy Grail of gnat control

    Just wanted to pass this on, as I would want someone to do the same for me. After years of frustration, I finally just accepted that gnats were only a problem I could control but never eliminate entirely. I tried everything I could think of, and then some. And nothing worked. As I was...
  3. ForbiddenFruit

    Rock hard, gritty, brown growth speckles in my reservoir.

    I've been growing all sorts of things for a long time now, but I have never seen this before. I grow in a DWC system and use these rocks to weigh down my air hoses (never been a problem before, and I clean them well, so the rocks themselves are not likely the cause). Well, these little...
  4. ForbiddenFruit

    Timer malfunction, 24hrs of light mid-flower.

    I was adjusting my light cycle by one hour, to account for the summer, and the "off time" somehow switched to the "on time" on the timer, so the light stayed on for 24 hours straight. I have two small systems in there, running on different schedules. The 1st is roughly 3 weeks into flower...
  5. ForbiddenFruit

    Plywood Growbox?

    Any drawbacks to using wood and making my own grow box for my aeorponic system? Those damn rubbermaids waste space and no matter how I organize them, I can't get them to the exact dimensions that I need. So is it OK to use wood? I mean it seems like it would be alright, but I have never...
  6. ForbiddenFruit

    Intake Options

    Having major issues with my intake. My grow room (roughly 12x12x9) is in my garage. My exhaust is not a problem, I will dump that into the attic. And neither are my cool tubes (I will just pull air from inside my garage and shoot that up into the attic as well)... BUT pulling fresh air...
  7. ForbiddenFruit

    9' x 5' 2x1000W?

    Just wondering if 2 - 1000w lights on a 9 foot rail would be sufficient enough to cover an area that is 4'10" wide and 9'4" long? Both lights will be on the rail, both will have (Daystar AC) reflectors, and both will be cooled by a 550CFM inline fan (1 fan both lights). Maybe I should...
  8. ForbiddenFruit

    How many...

    How many E-Z Clone misters do you think I could feed with a 550GPH water pump? I was hoping to use one pump to feed all 4 of my aero tubs. Probably fit about 18 plants per tub, so basically wondering if one 550GPH pump can feed enough water through the PVC and misters to supply 72 plants...
  9. ForbiddenFruit

    Clone/Mother Room

    I was wondering if I could set up my clones and mothers in one of the rooms in my house, rather than having to build another room, install a bunch of inline fans, odor control, etc? I already have a good sized room built for flowering with all of that set up. I just don't want to have to build...
  10. ForbiddenFruit

    Which Spinners/Sprayers To Use? Pics...

    Greetings! Setting up an Aeroponics type system. Wondering which of the following would be best? Using 3-50 gallon roughnecks lined up side by side (4'x6' area in total) under a 1k watt light. Went with these instead of fence posts, figuring they would give my roots more room to grow down...
  11. ForbiddenFruit

    Dilemma (Bubbleponics OR Aeroponics?)

    I pretty much have everything else I need either here or on the way. Now I just need to finally decide on what system I will go with so I can get busy building it. I can't really find all the answers I am looking for via the search function, so I am going to ask for a little help in making...
  12. ForbiddenFruit

    What exactly is this and will it work?

    A lot of people refer to this as an Aeroponics system, but I think (from my reading) that this is not an accurate description of the system I am thinking of using. 1st, I'd like to bounce my ideas on my overall set up and plans off of some of you: I will run 3x1000w. 2 will be for flowering...
  13. ForbiddenFruit

    Cold Air Ventilation

    Just built my room. It is 13'wide x 13'long x 9'high. Going to run 2 x 1000watt HID's. It gets cold here in the winter and the winters are long. So I am more concerned with cold than heat (at least 8 months out of the year). My question is in regards to ventilation. I have a few...
  14. ForbiddenFruit

    CFL's and Gulley System Question(s)

    Just a couple of questions I cannot find the answers to.... I am not one to ask for or trouble anyone for help unless I absolutely need to, but I have searched the site for days now and have had no luck finding the answers to the following questions: #1. I have not found much info here on a...