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  1. D

    How late is too late?

    So this summer is to be my first real grow. I attempted last summer, however was a complete idiot about it and started them early July and attempted to rush job everything. This year I'm starting a bit late as well, I should be germinating the seeds now but I'm still in college. I get home May...
  2. D

    Is it bad if...

    Completely out of curiosity, will bong water or ash mess up the Ph of the soil >.>?
  3. D

    First grow (few problems)

    Ok Im 19 and back from college for the summer. Earlier this month I decided I was gonna start my own grow in my closet while my parents are gone for the summer and the people staying at my house wont come in my room. I didnt really do research until after I germinated them (It was a bit of an...
  4. D

    indoor to outdoor?

    Ok so I just started my first grow. Got 4 seeds to sprout and now they have their first set of leaves. right now they are in a closet with my fan and only around 3 or 4k lumens on all 4 plants. At first I thought about growing them indoors but seeing as im going away to college the beginning of...
  5. D

    Am I screwed?

    Im 19 and home for the summer from college so I decided to start a grow. Nothing big, just a try and practice for after college. I have 4 seedlings that need to be ready before college. I am growing them in my closet with a florescent desk lamp and 2 normal lamps. A few questions to...