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  1. Mofofosho

    Blackout Help!

    I had a black out last night, so my plant's been without light for 36 hours. I just got the lights back on. She's about 4-5 weeks into her flowering cycle. Is she gonna be ok?
  2. Mofofosho

    50,000k CFL for Flowering?

    I was wondering if it will work if I use a couple of 200 watt 50,000k CFLs for my flowering cycle? I'd prefer it would work cuz my alternative is sticking with low wattage 27,000k CFLs, unless they actually make 27,000k CFLs that are 200 watt.
  3. Mofofosho

    HPS Lights from Home Depot

    Hey, I'm an aerogarden grower, and I'm thinking of adding some HPS bulbs, but I don't have a whole lot of cash. I was thinking of getting a HPS bulb or two from home depot. The ones I found were 150 watt, but I couldn't find the lumens anywhere on the package Will this work, and if so, what...
  4. Mofofosho

    Plant too tall! Need Help!

    Ok, so I'm tryin' my first grow ever, and I'm using an aerogarden duluxe. It has a clearance of about 2 feet. Now I started to flower my plant a little to late, and it's growing rapidly. I'm worried that it's going to get too tall and burn on the lamp. the place where I'm keeping it could have a...
  5. Mofofosho

    Specific Hydroponic/Aerogarden Leaf Problem

    First off, I'm really sorry if this has been answered already, but I couldn't find the answer after about an hour of searching and my question is pretty specific. I've been doing my first grow in an aerogarden and it's been growin' alright for about a month now, but I've run into a problem...