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  1. C

    So harsh!

    Whats up guys?! Like I stated a while back on here. I'm doing pre-trial, I'm clean now for 50 some odd days. I still have more than half that to go!!!! :( Man, not going to lie... this has been one of the hardest things ever for me, not because I am addicted, but because I loved weed.. and...
  2. C

    Ever had to take a break?

    As some of you other guys/girls may have read in my other post I am under going PTI right now. I have to be clean for 3 months (which is actually probably going to push closer to 4-4 1/2 months. And as of right now I have been clean for 18 days. Now I have noticed that is it getting slowly...
  3. C

    Am I clear?

    I smoked everyday for about 4 months. I am about to start having to take drug test for court. I have been clean for exactly 2 weeks tomorrow. How much longer do you think it should be until I am good? Is there anything I can do with-out spending a lot of money to speed up this process? I really...
  4. C

    I have to stop.

    Well guys, I decided that I would post this here othere that my normal message board, because well... if anyone can feel me it has to be you guys. I love smoking weed, it's the shit... I've been doing it for two years straight and I just have grown to love it, it's me. Well about a month ago...
  5. C

    how many lights?

    How many lights can a HPS 100w cover? I'm wanting to do 45 plants. How many plants can one light cover?
  6. C

    Big Bud Strain?

    Have any of you guys experimented with the big bud strain? Where did you obtain it? What was the yeild, any tips ect.... Any thoughts welcomed!
  7. C

    24 hours.

    Fairly simple question, forgive me if I sound stupid for asking this one, but what would be the effect of leaving a plant under 24 hours of lighting? My friend said if you want to grow great plants to leave your crop under 24 hrs for six weeks? Is this a good or bad idea?
  8. C

    Correct Lighting

    I was just wanting to ask a quick question about what light's I should use. Should I use just one light, or do I need a different lights for each stage (growth/flowering). I was thinking of getting a hps 1000w, If i can use just that, does anyone know how far I should hang it above the plants...