Search results

  1. Al B. Fuct

    It's A Fuct World

    Greetings and hallucinations. Got a bit of a break from the usual grind, so I thought I'd check in. Have taken a bit of a stroll around the hydro forum. While there's some brilliant people doing brilliant things, a few folks have been drinking FarkingClueless™ by the megalitre. While I DO...
  2. Al B. Fuct

    We're all fuct now

    Hi yawl, just popped in for a lookabout. Want you all to know how mightily impressed I am with the general quality of discussion and advice going round the boards. I had feared that when I no longer had time to answer grow op queries that this place would devolve back to pseudocience-spouting...
  3. Al B. Fuct

    RIU slow to respond, timing out

    The forum has been responding very, very slowly for about the last 6-7h. When it is dragging its feet, I have pinged and am getting timeouts:
  4. Al B. Fuct

    Database error when searching

    Hi yawl, I am getting errors when trying to use the search function:
  5. Al B. Fuct

    Reputation system

    I see that the rep system now allows approval or disapproval. It also does not display the username of the reputationeer. I've never gotten any negatives, but I can see a problem waiting to happen. I always sign my rep comments so folks know who has commented. I'd prefer it were done...
  6. Al B. Fuct

    Browser responds slowly post RIU upgrade

    Since the recent RIU forum sotftwe upgrade, my browser has been running horribly slowly when browsing RIU. It took several seconds to scroll from the top to the bottom of a page. I suspected a hung or looping Javascript, so I opened the Java console and dumped the thread stack. This is the...
  7. Al B. Fuct

    edit history - good & bad

    I see that the board has been modded to display the editing history of a post. This has its ups and downs. Some ppl may be tempted to edit a post after the fact to mislead; good in that case. Sometimes a post needs to be edited for security reasons... and the history shouldn't show. Can we...
  8. Al B. Fuct

    Al B. FAQt

    Greetings and hallucinations. :) So I went on holiday back at the end of May, came back a couple weeks later and instantly got pneumonia. My mate bongjockey came to the rescue and babysat the op (again) while my veterinarian was fixing me up (thx agn beej :)). Still feeling kinda ordinary but...
  9. Al B. Fuct

    A Batch of Clones in Rockwool

    A lot of people have trouble with clones in rockwool until they have done a few batches. Here's a photoessay on a batch of clones as they are done around here. One of the biggest problems with rockwool cubes is that they can hold a LOT of water. If cubes are too wet, rooting will be slow or...
  10. Al B. Fuct

    Project Big Blue Bastard - 100 watt UV ioniser

    Ionisers are tops for scent killing. There's 2 basic kinds, high voltage corona discharge types and ultraviolet (UV). Corona types are very cheap, very effective scent killers and easily home built. They are nothing more than a stack of diodes and capacitors connected as a string of voltage...
  11. Al B. Fuct

    Not Your Father's Marijuana and other myths

    More than 95% of the THC in female cannabis plants is in resin trichomes on the buds with next to none by weight in the stems, fan leaves and seeds. This is why even female plants while immature have almost no THC. Smoking fan leaves from immature plants is thus a waste of time. Interestingly...
  12. Al B. Fuct

    A power panel to keep electrics safe and neat

    There's lots and lots of individual electrical items in a grow op. Wiring must be kept off the floor and timers held securely in place where they can't be knocked out of a socket. High current devices like lighting and heaters must not be run on cheap power strips. To avoid having a bunch of...
  13. Al B. Fuct

    War on drugs stoops to new low

    Not FIFI, officer!!
  14. Al B. Fuct

    cheep & quick digital thermostat for heating or cooling

    This digital thermostat is sold for controlling heating appliances. It has a relay which can switch 5 amp resistive (heater) loads or 3 amp inductive (motor) loads at 240V AC. While designed for controlling heaters, the thermostat's output relay has both normally open AND normally closed...
  15. Al B. Fuct

    These fan really suck- and blow!

    My 7 year old 200mm exhaust blower finally packed it in a few weeks back, time for a replacement. I picked the pictured 250mm centrifugal blower (or is it a tiny little jet engine?). It's a Spectrum Customline C250L made by Hygrow. The C250 series 250mm body comes in two flavours. It's...
  16. Al B. Fuct

    Noobs: If you fail to plan... plan to fail!

    Far, FAR too many noobs decide to grow weed, plant seeds and then go build the grow op. As a bit of an afterthought, these same noobs will then skim over a grow guide and have some coarse idea of how cannabis grows, perhaps have a vague idea of what a plant in veg and flower might be. No...
  17. Al B. Fuct

    How Not To Grow Dope

    Decide while stoned to become a weed baron Plant leftover bagseeds and go looking for lights Try to steal neighbor's floodlights, burn fingers, go to plan B after healing up Buy incandescent halogen lights at OfficeJerks cos they look real bright and one blacklight over at the head shop cos it's...
  18. Al B. Fuct

    Take THAT, you zero-tolerance pricks!

    From ABC Australia If they'd strip searched my kid, the ASADA testers wouldn't have simply been refused permission to enter an event- they'd have been swimming with concrete waterwings. Bastards. Good to see some resistance to the drug war.
  19. Al B. Fuct

    Reversing thermostat logic

    Thermostatic control of exhaust fans is necessary in almost all grow ops. Thermostats, however, are not cheap- unless you know where to look! Broken aquarium heaters have thermostats as do old waterbed heater controllers. Mad, free thermostats! Problem is, they do exactly the opposite of what...
  20. Al B. Fuct

    Easy drain system for flood hydro systems

    A pair of lawn irrigation valves and a tee fitting make draining reservoir tanks easy. Green lines depict sections of common garden hose. Irrigation valves used are all plastic and thus impervious to corrosive nutrient solutions. For normal operation, close valve #2, open valve #1. To...