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  1. sensrule09

    Tiny Fruit Flies ?

    lately i've been seeing these tiny fruitfly type bugs on the top of the soil all around the pot,if i mist it with water more show up than before (i'm assuming cause they dont want to drown under the soil aha) they dont seem to be doing anything negative,but i want to make sure,any ideas ?
  2. sensrule09

    Kingstoners TV

    :leaf:WHAT IS THIS ? :leaf: KingstonerS TV is a show, a REAL show about stoners. No scripts, no rehershals, no bullshit. Straight stoners in their natural enviroment and the resulting shinnanigans.Enjoy and subscribe, because you never know where weed could take us. :weed: KingstonerS TV...
  3. sensrule09

    Best Light For Price ?

    Hey everyone, I was wondering what you think the best light would be for the cheapest price ? And also where to purchase it if you make a suggestion. Also, by "cheap" I mean 1-2 hundy at most.
  4. sensrule09

    How much longer till harvest ? ? ?

    hey,i've been growing my plants since around april,i cant remember the exact date so i'm just ballparking it,this is my first grow so to me they're looking like they're pretty close to ready,but then again it is my first. what do you guys think? bongsmilie there's 2 plants btw