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  1. T

    Can "indoor" seeds be used outdoors?

    I'm looking at getting some strain seeds for next spring instead of trying to use some bagseed. The question I'm curious about is would it be possible to plant indoor dominant strains outside with desirable results? I really like some of the indoor strains and qualities, but do not have access...
  2. T

    What should I do? Quick help needed plz, going out of town

    This morning I found a few spots of what apppears to be bud rot on my girl. Carefully dissected the buds on plant and removed all problem areas with small scissors. We just got over a stint of rain for a few days. I'm assuming that's what caused it. I don't think she is quite ready to be...
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    Never done this before...absolutely the coolest shizzy EVER!

    Aight aight ya'll, so here it goes....(read the date with the little old posh British lady accent, it's much funnier, HAHA!) On the Twenty-Fourth day, of the Ninth month, the year of our Lord Two Thousand and Nine(haha),(back to reading in your normal voices now) I just happened to experience...
  4. T

    Growin' it up in NC. *1st successful grow*

    What's up all? Tha Rev comin' to ya live from NC...I've been "pervin" the site for a little while for some more info/knowledge(thanks to everybody who has written strokes of genius that have well as strokes of "dumbass" that have made me, well...raf out roud), but figured it was time...