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  1. S

    Critique my recipes. (Soil and Bloom/Veg ACT)

    Hello all! I came up with some recipes that I'd like to try out in my next couples rounds and I'd like to get opinions on my recipes. I'm trying to stick with the ingredients that I currently possess so I guess I'm looking for quantity suggestions, mainly. I've grown organic vegetables outside...
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    Harvest Dilemna.

    I have a sharksbreath crop in a 600w scrog setup that is ready to be harvested. My dilemna that I'm facing tis that I will be in the land of Bob Marley all next week and don't have time to deal with a full harvest before then. My question is: Can I cut all of the stems off below the screen...
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    Botanicare nute questions.

    I am currently a week away from chop on my 2nd grow (first hydro) and love it but want to make improvements to the next one. First some background: -I am using an 18 gallon stealth hydro bubbleponics system that I wish I would have built myself (hindsight is 20/20) It has two growing pods and...
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    ANYONE FROM THE D.C./CHARLOTTESVILLE AREA?!?!?!?!?! Need a quick response please.

    Hey there. If anyone in the D.C. or Charlottesville area wants to be the most awesome person in the world, please pm me. NOTE: This is urgent.
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    General Hydroponics Rainforest systems.

    I was curious as to whether anyone has used the Rainforest systems by General Hydroponics and if so, would you suggest it? I'm a noob at hydro but I'm willing to learn. Until I found this system, I was going to use a general hydroponics water farm but I can spend the same money and get two of...
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    Has anyone heard of anything called bliss? I was at a festival in Missouri at the beginning of the summer and and ran across the wonderful party favor. It came as a powder in gel caps. It was a white, coke-like powder. We blew lines of it all night and it was incredible. It felt like Molly but...
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    New Setup

    I am in the process of building a 5'x5'x5' grow area in an attic that has no heating or cooling. It is currently about 105°F. I am building standard stud walls and covering the outside with black plastic and the inside with either white plastic or mylar. I will regulate temperature with a window...
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    2010 outdoor tentative plan. Any input?

    Hello all. I am currently waiting on seeds to do an outdoor grow this year and had a few questions as far as what other people would do. The strains I have decided on are: -Kaya gold -Pure Power Plant -Venus Flytrap -Ice -Kiwiskunk -Bubblicious I will be starting these indoors under LED and...
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    Bag appeal thread?

    Does anyone have a link to the bag appeal thread that was really awesome. haha I know thats a little vague but if you have ever read it you will probably know what i'm talking about. I found it last week and somehow lost the link and have been unable to locate it again. Had so many pages that I...
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    Thinkin its about time

    Well I took a couple of pictures today and was about 2 seconds away from taking the scissors to her when i decided to see what everyone else thought. This is my first grow and I realize I probably should have flushed sooner than I did but hey its all about learning right. The picture quality was...
  11. S

    to re-veg or not

    This is my first post and I want to start off by thanking everyone here. I have lurked around for quite a while just soaking in the information. It's been wonderful. Now to the business... I understand that this is mainly personal preference but I started 5 plants back in august in a small...