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  1. ChemisTree

    Stupid thing I just did

    ...poured the rest of my honey oil tincture into a drink resulting in the really insoluble stuff floating to the top, so I swirled it into a ball and ate it. ..And now my teeth are sticking to each other and nothing- and I mean nothing is taking this horrible burning bitter taste out of my...
  2. ChemisTree

    Would it be possible...

    ..that in the future weed may be bred or genetically altered to taste and smoke just like a good sun ripened pipe tobacco? I can't say tobacco tastes bad, but I wonder when this "cross" may someday happen?
  3. ChemisTree

    Do you think Bush...

    Went to the White House basement on the eve of "Operation Iraqi Freedom" and watched the opening fight like he would watch a movie, due to being surrounded by so many live-feed screens of the war. Isn't it weird to know that there are people who have literally watched the war live on their own...
  4. ChemisTree

    Secret stores for the rich?

    Here's a thought: Are there little known (secret) stores where only the rich can shop? Like..a private store?
  5. ChemisTree

    Best Strain of Marijuana for...

    What is your recommendation for the strain of marijuana that produces the clearest thinking high. The type of high you'd want when you want to enjoy a beautiful summer day camping, hiking, or on a lake. Again, there is an emphasis on clear thoughts, so you can remember the event.
  6. ChemisTree quality level

    GAH! I bought a behemoth of a bong from them a while back. When it first arrived the stem didn't fit (it hit the bottom of the reservoir and didn't seal the ground glass joint nearly enough). So, I had to send the damned thing back and they sent a properly fitted one. Then, the first time I use...
  7. ChemisTree

    Jorge Cervantes..

    ..killed my wife and raped my cats. Jorge :arrow: :fire: My wife :arrow: :joint: My cats :arrow: :evil::evil: Therefore and logically, :fire::hug: :joint: and :hump: my :evil::evil:. On a different note, Tramadol makes me loopy.
  8. ChemisTree

    I am enlightened

    I visited my first hydroponics store today and engrossed the owner in what had to be a 2 hour long conversation on growing techniques. I had to have doubled my knowledge of growing in those two hours. I feel very zen like.
  9. ChemisTree

    1500 Watt HPS - 137 Lumens/Watt !!

    ...Yes, a successful prototypic electronic ballast. And efficient too at 137.3 lumens/watt. There was an ad for it at a local hydro store and I saw that it was fairly new. There's only one thread about it on RIO and it's buried in the wrong sub-forum. The Facts 1500 watts. Electronic...
  10. ChemisTree

    DIY Drying Agent/Desiccant

    Did you know that one of the most powerful drying agents used in organic synthesis can be purchased in nearly any supermarket? In fact, some of you growers have used the hydrated form of this substance to correct magnesium deficiencies in your gardens. I’m talking about, of course...
  11. ChemisTree

    More to get off my chest: The LAW is in my family

    So, yeah, my father is a +25 year veteran of the force, former DARE officer all that good stuff. Not surprisingly, it came to my understanding in the last few months that I and my two siblings all enjoy cannabis. So, I'm already anticipating some really interesting holiday conversations. Now...
  12. ChemisTree

    So my psychiatrist said...

    Last night I e-mailed my psychiatrist and finally told him that I had tried cannabis and that it worked wonderfully- the day after use it made me feel calm, I was able to concentrate on my work, all kinds of good stuff. His response: "Cannabis does have a calming effect short-term...
  13. ChemisTree

    Sometimes I feel like I just want to get out of here..

    I'm a chemist. I'm also a chronic pain person (although it's not extreme) and a depressive (atypical + extreme fatigue). Short story long, I discovered that weed can flat out cure not only my pain (temporarily) but also has longer term positive effects on my depression. It's a pretty damned...
  14. ChemisTree

    Gah! HPS Instant Burn Out?

    My HPS setup, which I've been running fresh for all of a few days, appears to have a burned out bulb already? -400 watt Galaxy electronic ballast -430 watt Agrosun Super Red with Blue I mean, I've been running this brand new bulb all of a few days, and I come back from using the bathroom...
  15. ChemisTree

    Classic Commercial (may be NWS)

    Oslo Gay Festival Commercial 2005
  16. ChemisTree

    NOT Tasteful Nudity (NSFW)

    Edited: Nevermind, I didn't read the rules correctly.
  17. ChemisTree

    Single Plant: 250W MH or 430 Watt HPS?

    Well, this is a spillover topic from this thread. Here is my setup. Just one female, 30 inches high, a single 250W MH with the Agrosun Gold Metal Halide. However, I have the option to switch to a 430 Watt HPS setup as well. I guess the question is, will it significantly impact my yield since...
  18. ChemisTree

    No Luck Getting Bud

    It's been a funny last few weeks. My friend's friend moved to the west coast. No more bud. The car broke down so I couldn't make it home to Wisconsin for Thanksgiving where I have contacts. So I ended up visiting a favorite bar and asked some people nicely. Got some very polite ones who...
  19. ChemisTree

    Quality Versus Quantity

    I can't help but notice that everything I read is about maximizing yield, watts per gram. Cervantes book, here, the other ten dozen cannabis website, etc. But what about quality? I'm talking about potency, taste- connoisseur grade bud. Sure you can blast your crop with huge amounts of HPS...