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  1. bucket o queens

    600 watt FLOWER SHOWER set up **need advice**

    hello RIU. I've finally got urge to go big for this set up. I was using a 250 watt hps to start and end my grow. Now im going to upgrade to the shower in my home that I dont use for my flower room. My main concern is since my shower is a big opening, how am I going to seal the room? Im thinking...
  2. bucket o queens

    water curing

    ok so i had to chop down my first baby a few weeks early. so probably thinking that the thc levels werent high enough, i decided to water cure this plant. so from what ive read let the buds soak in water for about 4 days changing the water everyday? then what????
  3. bucket o queens

    911 4 weeks flower and yellow leaves

    ok s i changed my water sunday and my leaves are yellowing. so possible nute burn is the only thing i can think. Is it best if I go ahead and change the water and start nutes at about a 1/4 strength, im also about 4 weeks into flower?? whats the first step??? these are pics from top to bottom.
  4. bucket o queens

    anybody want to start a collective

    so hey RIU, im planning a move to cali round the first of the year. one of the first things im doing is switching my license out and getting a med card. does anybody have any detailed info on how to start a collective or anywhere on the net thats a good reference to laws and practices. i want to...
  5. bucket o queens

    clones look different form there momma

    i flowered my clones and my momma plant around the same time. my clones took off growth wise, but the buds are not as beefy as the momma. any ideas why???