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  1. getthatskunk

    ph solution ?

    how do i dipose of ph solutions like ph up and down......i need to kno asap
  2. getthatskunk

    what to do wit Ph solution

    i just got some ph up and down and i wanted to kno what do you do wit the extra do i dispose of it
  3. getthatskunk

    ph solution ?

    just wanted to kno how do you dispose of the water with ph solution in it after watering plants
  4. getthatskunk


    hey guys what is the average molassess know to grow .....and is it the one u can get a supermarket:wall: stuck
  5. getthatskunk

    Rain Water

    hey guys its raining in my area so i figured id ask about it since i got a bucket out rain water good for plants...i kno newbie ? but had to ask and what ph level will it have:bigjoint:
  6. getthatskunk

    Fox Farm product

    im a newbie who cant get help here im doin the whole air stone air pump system and i just found a store that sell the nutes i need and imma goin with foxfarm so i would like to kno which to use for veg and also for flowering stage,and nute that can be use for soils so that i can use for both...
  7. getthatskunk

    what is flushing

    so newbie here growin in dirt and dont kno how to flush or what it means kiss-ass
  8. getthatskunk

    need help with plant

    i woke up 2day and my plant leaves look droopy and burnt and its not lighting problem ......any idea:idea:
  9. getthatskunk

    REG. seeds info

    i just had to ask been drivin me crazy i wanted to kno if a seed i got from a dime of reg. turn into a dank like bud strain......or if any one kno the name of the common known reg seed strain.....plz share ur insight ...thank you:wall:
  10. getthatskunk

    Any One From NJ

    lookin for friends and info from any one from New jersey
  11. getthatskunk

    Hydroponic food that can be found at home depot or lowes

    any one kno of any known food for hydroponics that is sold at homedepot or lowes plz help...i dont have hydro stores around here and dont have credit card to order stuff online plus i rather pay cash:wall:
  12. getthatskunk

    Any Idea On Stoppin Drug Dogs From Finding Your GRow

    is thurr any way to stop drug dogs from smellin thru and to ya stuff ....or anything to distract thurr noses:fire:
  13. getthatskunk

    need info on bubbleponic or Hydroponic

    hey guy i kno how to build it and all i wanna kno do the air-stone stay on at all times, also what time cycle do i put them on, and what brand of food that i can buy from home depot or lowes that work for a cheap guy times is ruff:joint:
  14. getthatskunk


    just asking can i use reg 60watt light bulb
  15. getthatskunk

    cardboard box is it Good for a Grow Box

    hey i got alot of big boxes and i wanted to kno if any one out therr ever used this method plz leave info here....thank you:cuss:
  16. getthatskunk

    Why is my Stem Purple and Red...?

    i woke up today and on one of my plants the stem turn purple and redish...any one kno whats goin on.?
  17. getthatskunk

    cheap food is this good enuff

    im cheap dont have alot of money i wanted to kno if 10-15-10 good enuff food for flowering or maybe veg stage....also only if u got'en plant food from home depot or lowes what food did you buy....thank you for any help:wall:
  18. getthatskunk

    Plz Tell what you can do wit Hermi...?

    i want all the info that is out thurr about hermi's but plz dont post same thing over and over...thank you:bigjoint:
  19. getthatskunk

    Female or Male U tell me

    if you kno what you r really talkin about and you can tell by the pics i have up plz do share your info i really need to kno what it is so i can get rid of it and start fresh....and also find the tip and tell me if it has hairs on pic 1-2 ......thank you :leaf: