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  1. P

    How to TRIM/thin properly...

    Hey guys. It seems no one can follow my grow journal with these stupid changes to the site. In any case, I am having a problem with branching, and how the bud sites at the nodes are growing those thin little stalks that look like they are gonna give me a bunch of popcorn. Instead, should I trim...
  2. P

    Crazy Chemist, crazy grow

    This is my journal, no hi-jacking please. Any questions about my experiments or whatever else is on your mind can be directed to my "Introduce yourself" post titled "New, crazy scientist in town...". This is my post from the introduction page, just to get the background info straight. Hey...
  3. P

    New, Crazy Scientist in town...

    Hey everyone, I thought I would introduce myself here, but I mist admit I probably won't include too much info here. Let's say I live in a place where this stuff is not legal, hypothetically-speaking, that could be bad for this will have to stay anonymous. At any rate, I've been...