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  1. D

    getting fired from drug testing post injury?

    i have a pretty good job(i work in IT) and i believe the chances of getting randomly tested for some reason are pretty low. one of the things i wanted to know is if i get injured on the job and am tested, what are the chances of getting fired because of it? its one thing to get injured(which in...
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    Steve Cooley

    if this guys gets elected, look for him to try and shut down every dispensory that doesn't follow prop 215 by the book(and lets face it most dont). this guy is the biggest anti-mmj guy in office and is responsible for shutting down nearly every mmj clinic in LA county. im curious to see what he...
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    broke my lux mini diffused stem

    dropped my bong on the floor and only the stem broke(thank god). these bongs are built like tanks. anyway whats the cost to buy another stem? or is there anyway to cheaply have it repaired somewhere and if so will it be cheaper than buying a new one? thanks
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    jont wont stay lit

    just finished growing some hashplant haze from dna genetics and hung them out to dry 7 days ago. fast forward to today they felt dry so i put it in the curing jar but took a sample to roll a joint. the shit wouldnt stay lit at all.....does this mean it wasnt flushed properly(i.e nutrients left...
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    Questions about MJ strains in socal dispensaries.

    why is it that i cant seem to find any dispensories that offer strains from breeding companies i find online(serious seeds, thc seeds, etc...)? all i ever seem to find is stuff like 'blue dream', 'og purp', etc basically shit i never heard of... for example im looking to grow white russian...
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    need help deciding which plants to keep

    i have 13 plants growing in a 3x3x5.11 space and need to decide which to keep in my space. currently they are in the second week of flower. the strains are ak48 and ice by nirvana. all are female, but i wanted to know should i keep the tall, thin plants(with very few leaves) or the shorter...
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    how many plants for a 270w hps?

    ive read its ussally best to have 100w per plant. well i only have a 270w at the moment and have about 13 plants growing in my tent. obviously i cannot keep all of them and wasn't planning to...but i got an unusually high number of femailes(11) looks like. i was initially planning on growing 5...
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    is this a male plant?

    this is one week into flowering
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    drug testing at work

    i had a question. so i started an MJ grow about a month ago just for kicks, im not a heavy smoker at all the last time i smoked was maybe sept. so back in 07 i was looking for a job(was clean also) and landed a pretty good one. the company(a small one) had a pretty liberal owner who didnt care...
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    negative side effects of plants having too low humidity during veg?

    the weather where i live is really dry right now, im talkin 20%rh. if i use a humidifer i can get it up to 35 which is still too low. for much of the time during winter i was able to consistantly keep it at 50. what are some side effects of having the humidity too low? my plants are about 4...
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    looking for a strain that meets the following criteria

    primarily looking for taste over potency. looking for something that: smells very fruity. im thinking raspberry/blueberry type has great burning qualities smokes very smoothly wont put me to sleep, and wont give me a lazy for the rest of the day type feeling. this would be for a morning...
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    how do some people make thier plants look like trees?

    forgive me if this is a stupid question but how do some growers make thier plants look like trees? what i mean is all the leaves on top but have 'tree like trunks' near the bottom with no leaves? i have some plants that are a month old in veg and they are very bushy(not that theres anything...
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    fan in my grow tent, how should it be mounted?

    ive got an air-king 6" fan in my grow tent. its clamped onto one of the poles. my question is how should this thing be mounted/pointing in the tent? should it be blowing directly at the plants? if so how far away? my plants are about 3 weeks old and right now the fan blows directly at them wiht...
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    for those of you with a grow tent and air king circulating fan...

    how do you guys keep this thing cliped onto the tent poles? it keeps sliding down everytime i clamp it. i have a gl80 btw so the poles are kind of thin
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    giving plants cold vs warm water?

    is there any difference in giving plants cold vs warm water? or water at room temp?
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    Nirvana Ice Ice baby+AK48(first grow thread).

    hey guys, this will be my first official grow thread. equipment i will be using: growlab GL80 grow tent canfan ho 4" exhaust fan super sun 2 reflector with generic 250W MH bulb(for vegging) and 270W Super Agro Max HPS bulb 250W Lumatek Digital ballast cheap $20 timer 2 Passive intakes on...
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    transplanting from cups to containers

    ive seen several people here start germinated seeds in regular plastic cups, then transplant them into slight larger containers, and then again transplant them into 2+ gallon containers. my question is why is this done? im guessing for spacing issues rather than sticking 10+ 2 gallon containers...
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    beginning my first serious grow with grow tent, have some questions regarding nutes

    so ive got everything i need to start a grow and had some questions regarding a new grow. i got a freebie seed or hashplant haze from dna genetics and after successfully germinating it, planted it last monday...
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    fox farms nutes on non-mj plants

    im trying to understand how to properly fertilize non-mj plants with this. so ive grown before using the feeding schedule from seeds and it works great. but what if i want to apply this stuff to non-mj plants? for example i have 6 rose bushes sitting in pots. i never really fed them before but...
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    Growing roses for spring/summer

    i have a small patio here on my condo and i would like to grow several rose plants here. my balcony faces the west direction so i get alot of sun during spring and summer. wanted to know if growing healthy roses is the same as weed? you know, good airy soil, good water with ph adjusted and the...