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  1. S

    Timer trouble with about 2.5 weeks left in flower....PLEASE HELP!!! RUSTY TRICHOME??

    Here is what happened.... I had gone approximately 2 days without sleep and come to find out my plant had been getting too much sleep!! My timer had quit working and left my plants (big bud/ghseeds & slhaze/ghseeds) in the dark for 18hours!! Upon realizing this, I immediately plugged in the...
  2. S

    Something that I find really odd about my plant!!!

    I had 7 oz of bud and got rid of 4 of them to 6 different friends *professionals from business owners to a dentist-not to be sold!!!* anyway, of the 6 friends one guy (who got a whole) said his had seeds in it. The strange thing is this: nobody else has found any and I have followed up with...
  3. S

    My first grow is ambering up and ready to flush!!!!!!

    This is a beautiful thing!!! :mrgreen: I have been looking at several of these sticky, icky, green, purple buds and they are turning amber!!! Now, I am wanting to flush immediately, she just went into dark for the evening. When I go to flush these plants what is the quickest, but best way...
  4. S

    Question about Male plant

    I noticed little "pouches" that look like seeds below buds. This is my first grow and they are into their 6th week of budding...almost done. I am not sure if they are "filling in" or what. The plant is absolutely beautiful and has large buds and plenty of them. There aren't multiple...
  5. S

    Simple question.....asap!! THanks!!

    Here is the situation: I have 3 plants that need to be flushed and I dont think it would hurt to transplant them before bloom. I am wanting to do this while nobody is home and want to know this: Can I flush the plants and then trasnplant them or should I transplant and then flush?? Do I leave...
  6. S

    Any advice on a good rooting/seedling fertilizer??

    I would appreciate the info. I have 5 new seeds only 1 day old and want them to survive!!! Thanks. :blsmoke:
  7. S

    Flushing question-Please read!!

    I am in veg and have to flush because of ph and buildup. The plants are about 8 weeks old from clone..can I flush the last time with feed and cal/mag at 1/2 strength???? Thanks. :joint:
  8. S

    Do i remove the plastic after seeds pop?

    Do I need to remove the sandwich bags and rubberbands from cups after the seed breaks ground? Took less than One day to germinate and overnight for 2 of them to bread through. Other 3 should be right behind.....hopefully. THX!!!!:bigjoint:
  9. S

    Help with seeds please.....

    I have 4 seeds in Styrofoam cups with pro-mix and 20percent perlite added under light. All but one germinated after letting them float in cup of water (wouldn't sink) for 18hrs and then placed between cotton for about 12 hours. I think the other one is starting to crack but needs a few more...
  10. S

    Will someone PLEASE look at these???

    I am worried they are going to die. I am hoping it is deficiency so I ordered sensi mag grow from htg but it has taken a f.....g week!!!!! I called Tuesday and let them know how piss poor that is!!! They said it should be here today!! I just hope they make it!!!!!!! I have them in promix...
  11. S

    question after flushing do i....

    go back to full strength on feed? I flushed them last night becasue of high ph and expected deficiencies. I found a grow guide that said to only put 1/2 strength food so i followed this. then, today they look a little worse. if there was/is deficiency aren't i starving them even more by not...
  12. S

    Please help!! First patient!!

    First, thanks for even reading this!! I have had no luck with other boards. I have a few ladies growing and when i first put them in I used tap water adn feed without checking ph. After the first watering they turned brown, curled up, i checked the ph before their weekly...