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  1. G

    To Fdd

    thank you so much for keeping stoned ponys memory swept under the carpet.your reasons for doing so are obviously personal or else you wouldbe closing ALL threads that have a cuss word in them. now we cant even have a conversation about someone withing the thread being shut down.please explain...
  2. G

    Wjat Happened to the Thread?

    can someonetell me why the thread titled where or where is stoned pony,deleted?i was hoping to get some info on his untimely death but now thread is gone along with the likes recieved i got from him. what the fuck???please will some mod explain this and why?does rollitup delete ones account and...
  3. G

    A Burned Down Grow Op................

    Well this is going to be a long post so pull up a chair and check this out....I woke up tuesday morn at 4 am to get ready for a 3 day out of state job. my babies wake up at 5 am so i "topped" off my babies with a good watering the night before hoping my ph problem would be fixed while i was...
  4. G

    Well...I just plucked another 60 or so leaves.............

    any exp. growers thats worth their salt should be able to help me leaves are getting little brown spots and its happening to all my plants! if you would kindly go to my other thread ( whats the problem here? ) and look at the picture, ive listed grow stats as well. this problem is...
  5. G

    whats the problem here?(pics.)

    growing in soil,seeded on 3-28, ph in high 6's, temps @80-82 deg.1800 watt, indoors..... any idea what the problem might be? its going from one plant to another. i flushed...i fed epson salts...i sprayed w/bleach solution....HELP PLEASE!!!!!!
  6. G

    Who on this site has had a fungus problem?

    title pretty much says it all....whats my remedy?
  7. G

    Fungus Problem

    :blsmoke:i think i may have a fungus problem..( had a bout with high humidity a couple of weeks ago) any good remedies or suggestions, ill sort out the bull-shit....thanks!:peace:
  8. G

    Little Brown Spots

    has anyone had this problem? first noticed little brown spots they get bigger the next day and by day 3 the leaves have turned completely black. 5 out of 16 plants are doing this. ive tried flushing, i tried epson salts, p-h is around 6.9 in soil...plants are 6 weeks old, problem for past 10...
  9. G

    sunlight verses hids

    what puts out more light? the sun on a (high clouds) cloudy day or 3- 600 watt lights? the lights are 2-600 metal-hylide and 1-600 hps. lights are apprpx. 4 to 6 inches from plants,( fresca- sol water cooled lights) no reflectors, vert. hung in 4x8x8 room lined with chrome plated bubble...
  10. G

    Attitude colored seeds

    who has used these? do you (peel/ scrape) offthe coating or germ it like it is?? weird shit,but kool. thanks,G.P.:bigjoint: