Search results

  1. spliffy777

    skunk #1 bud pics

    hi all this is my skunk1 of my first grow. i have 5 females out of the 9 seeds i planted .i used a 600 whatt hps for veg and flower .which was ok but got alot of streching .i started 2 flower these on a 12 12 cycle for about 5 days .then i put um on a 18 6 cycle so i could get in there to do...
  2. spliffy777

    new 6in extractor any1 no how to turn power down

    hi all just got a new extractor fan. it works really well .just a little worried about noise durring the night .would be nice if io could just turn power down a little .just wonerdering if any of u no a safe device i could fit to the fan to turn power up or down .some help with this matter would...
  3. spliffy777

    jiffy pellets what r your opinions on them ?

    hi ervery1 .i just got 10 jiffy pellets free with a light . just wondering what u all thought of um . spliff
  4. spliffy777

    my skuk no 1 is finaly flowering

    hi allthis my first grow i had 8skunk#1 seeds and i got 5 females from it.1 started 2 bud about a week an a half ago .the other 4just had pre flowers.but today i see 3 of um have started 2 bud now.the 5th one isover 5 foot now but i dont think it will be long now till it stops growing. first pic...
  5. spliffy777

    Original Bubblegum, sensi seeds super skunk, white widow super journal

    hi all this will be my second grow. gonna be doing 3 strains super skunk bubble gum and white widow . gonna start 10 of each .my first grow aint finished yet its 3 weeks 2 days into flowering .thats skunk #1.just built veg cupboard so i can start these 3 strains of .the white widow was nt planed...
  6. spliffy777

    gonna start a journal with my new grow space soon

    hi all this is my new 2 new spaces to veg in .i built it myself from stuff i could get from work( apart from all the electrics)i plan 2 do an indica plant at top of my cupboard and satvia at bottom .plan to grow super skunk and bubble gum .(got them in post today they germing now lol )oh and...
  7. spliffy777

    just built new veg cupboard

    hi all just finished my new veg area . the demensions r 41 in across 34 in from bk 2 front and 35 in is the height . i have 2 compter fans on each compartment 4 airflow and 4 125 blue cfl lights . 2 for each shelf .i hope 2 veg 10 plants on each shelf .not sure if it gonna be big enough .let me...
  8. spliffy777

    veg cupboard

    hi all just built a veg cupboard ive install 4 computer fans 4 air flow and have 4 125 blue cfls coming soon . i hope 2 veg 10 plants on each shelf .oh and i aint fitted door yet lol. but hopefully do it 2morrow . pic 1 is of my veg cupbord try and turn your head 2 the left a little it is...
  9. spliffy777

    10 days after flowering

    hi all these r my plants i have 8 skunk no 1 .im preety sure 6 of um female.let me no what u think. spliff
  10. spliffy777

    gonna start flowering soon

    hi all just thought id post some pics of my skunk #1 .before i start 2 flowwer them. let me no what u think .thanks spliff
  11. spliffy777

    this is my set up

    ok i have 8 skunk #1 plants from seeds so not sure what i got yet.2 600 hps lights .and i installed airflow threw my chimley breast with 2 bathroom extractors .the plants r loving the air ,im a first time growwer and i did nt use perlite in my soil.i think the pots they in r like 2 gallon pots...
  12. spliffy777

    New Life

    hi all i need help with this .i just found a new growth next to 1 of my plants .im just wondering how it got there.ill post some pics 2 show u all .
  13. spliffy777

    Drilling Holes

    im just about 2 start drilling 2 4 inch holes in my chimley breast in my grow room . as we dont use the chimley no more this is the best option 4 my airflow.but i aint looking foward 2 this little job as ive been told its gonna be 9 inch thick and enginering brick which is bloody hard brick . so...
  14. spliffy777

    New Pics

    hi all this is my first grow and just got a new camera 4 my i thought id post some pics
  15. spliffy777


    hello all .i need some advice about airflow my growroom is next to the chimley breast i was thinking of drilling 2 holes in it and installing 2 fans .i really like the idea ,but not sure of what height 2 have the extractor fan thou .any feed bk on this would be great ty all
  16. spliffy777

    18 or 24 hour 4 veg ?

    ive been givving my plants 24 hour light . just 4 veg i thought this was ok till today when guy in grow shop said they needf some rest .im gonna trythe 18 6 thing .anyadvice u could all give would be most welcome;
  17. spliffy777

    just sayying hi

    hi all i found this a great site loads of advice and loads of nice growing some skunk no 1 my first ever grow. i have 8 very healthy seedlings they r about 2 weeks old now.there in 10 litre pots now with a 600 what hps light , and a van just flowwing over the top of the plants.i got a...