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  1. Rascality Afoot

    Ethanol Oil Inactive?

    So I recently made some oil from 95% Ethanol/ 5% iso. It's not the usual denatured alcohol, I checked the MSDS. I figured it'd be much easier to purge the 5% iso than the 4% water/ whatever else in grain alcohol. I made some crude 3-bag bubble hash, and used the inferior bottom bag hash as...
  2. Rascality Afoot

    Human Ashes in Grow Medium

    Well, here's an odd one. Years ago, my buddy and I were having that time-honoured conversation regarding what we would like to happen to our earthly remains if one of us should die young. At the time it was a very real possibility actually. We were both involved in downhill skateboarding...
  3. Rascality Afoot

    Blender Hash Goodness

    So a while back I found a pile of trim and some nuglets that were drying had gone moldy. This displeased me, but allowed me an excuse to make some crude water extract. Blender hash is a safe solution for processing moldy disasters. There's a tonne of how to's out there, but i finally found my...
  4. Rascality Afoot

    The great flushing experiment: An objective and in depth look at the final weeks

    THE GREAT FLUSHING EXPERIMENT: AN OBJECTIVE LOOK AT FLUSHING FOR FLAVOUR, WEIGHT, AND POTENCY AS WELL AS OTHER TIPS FOR YOUR FINAL WEEKS Intro: When I first started growing years ago in my early teens, I grew only outdoors. I used common know-how from my parents garden and achieved great...
  5. Rascality Afoot

    Growing Seeds for Clone-Mothers but They've Launched a Sexual Revolution

    I've been traveling, so it's been a while since my last post. Boy am I glad to see ya'll again! So my new strain is flowering on me under 24 hour light. They're three months old and I just took some cuttings. Only thing is, they've been listening to my records with me and got turned on to the...
  6. Rascality Afoot

    Budget Water Purification - When Ppm's are Too High!

    Hey fellahs (and fell-ettes). I have recently moved and my new tap water is bunk. It's a shallow well, and bringing water from elsewhere is out of the question. My question: Is there a cheaper way to lower your tap water ppm other than R/O systems? DIY water stills are easy to construct...
  7. Rascality Afoot

    Can a Landlord Legally Search a Grow Cab or Tent?

    Hey all, I just had one of those tasty half-baked thoughts. If you have a tent or grow cab, can your landlord look in it? Obviously people conceal small grows for the most part. I'm wondering if you had a 10'by10' tent in the basement of a rented house, and your landlord organizes a "fire...
  8. Rascality Afoot

    Serenade not working anymore, harvest early?

    Alright, so I'm about 6 weeks into flower on an 8-9 week plant (this is my confirmed flowering time for this strain). I have four "purple kush" clones that I highly doubt are pk. These days every strain is pk to somebody... Anyhow, the clones came with powdery mildew (for free!), and have...
  9. Rascality Afoot

    Powdery Mildew - Neem Oil only works for a short time - Apply Seranade?

    I found some powdery mildew on some new clones i got. Last time i get clones off someone else. Unfortunately, they have been in close quarters with my other plants in my wardrobe setup. Both my veg chamber, and flowering chamber. I have not noticed any spread to older plants, which are of a...
  10. Rascality Afoot

    Jamaica Grape from Secret Valley Seeds

    JAMAICA GRAPE I've been meaning to write this report for nearly a year, so here it is. Picked these up from a seed bank nearby. All but one germinated. I grew them short and quick under a cover of T5 flouros (6400 and 2700) in organic soil. They were very healthy and cloned easily. Quite...
  11. Rascality Afoot

    Guilty Harvest

    I've grown outdoors every season for years, but just did my first indoor closet grow with great success. What I'm wanting to ask is, does anyone else ever feel guilty harvesting their plants? I mean, I've lovingly cared for them for months. They blossom into these gorgeous flowers hoping to...