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  1. F

    Help newbie here!!

    hey guys i have one question. why should fans not be directly onto plants? i always read that they should circulate the room but not directly on them???
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    3000K for FLOWER????

    hey guys i usually use a hps for flower but currently at another grow opp. i have 7 florecent tubes and currently started flower 2 days ago. i am using cheap t12's i believe. only two plants and they are both topped into four colas. anyway i cant find ANY 2700K tubes. the lowest and warmest i...
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    HOW many LUMENS for 2 PLANTS???

    i am wondering if i am going to be okay since i started flowering. how many LUMENS are needed to grow 2 plants
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    Difference between DWC and DRIP systems??

    New to hydro. I think i have a DWC bucket actually pretty damn positive lol. Anyway what is the difference between the two. Advantages and Disadvantages of both? Do both Systems require airstones? Help will be appreciated and rep points too!! lol
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    Help NEW to hydro!!

    hey guys i recently bought one of those hydro buckets from general hydroponics. its a top feed bucket i think. i bought it off one of my friends. how exactly does the system work? is the pump on 24/7 or do you have to cycle it on and off? and once its growing do you allow the roots to hit the...
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    Comment First Grow 2 months into flower

    here is some pics of my first grow. used a 400 w hps.
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    Broken Stem 3 wk into FLOWER!! HELP

    hey guys i was bending one of my plants so the light can hit my buds and clearly snapped the stem in half. cut off a good foot of the plant, what will happen. Its basically topped at about the 5th or 6th node.. what will happen to my plant?? i did use to top for a clone
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    Tips for Flowering

    I have some Nirvana White Widow. 2 weeks into flower. Any advice???
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    flowering tips??

    about to flower in 3 weeks. any tips? this is my first grow will post pics soon.
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    Rate my First Grow!!

    any comments....
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    veg stage

    this is my first grow about 5 weeks in.
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    Plants Stretching???

    hey guys i always hear about plants stretching. What are the disadvantages? I mean they just seem to get bigger whats te problem with that?
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    Foliar Feeding??

    Anyone foliar feed their babies? lol. im looking for a schedule or some advice on how to do it. have some fox farm grow big im thinking to do it with. any advice?
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    vegetatice stage???

    when is a plant considered to be in vegetative stage? how many nodes?
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    HPS light distance

    Hey guys my plants are in their 3rd node and are streatching. when they were seedlings i had them 3 feet away. now that they are bigger whats an average distance to have them away from a 400w hps?
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    Topping Plants?

    Anybody agree with it or have good results? Any advice? and what node should it be done at? when light is on or off? does it matter? any advice would be appreciated.
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    humidity for VEG stage??

    hey guys whats the best humidity for vegetative state. and whats the effects low humidity and high humidity??
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    Hydro Nutrients in Soil???

    Has anyone used hydro nutrients in soil? i purchased hydro nutrients thinking they were soil fertilizers.
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    Pure Blend Pro Hydro in SOIL???

    okay so i purchased pure blend pro thinking it was a soil fert. i later found out it was a hydro nutrient. has anyone used hydro nutrients in soil??? do you think i would be okay using it in soil??
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    Help Picking Soil

    Hey guys anyone have an opinion of a cheap but good organic soil. IM going to add bone meal, blood meal, bat guano, worm casting, and some dolomite lime to keep ph neutral. Any opnions on a soil that is pretty good and easy to find. responces will be appreciated. thanks