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  1. rocksteady6

    Will is taste like a turd

    Hey all. I am sorry for the title. I use no odour control but my plants have been stinking for a while. I get home and i can smell them before i open the front door. If i use some of those sprays or plug in things that emit nice aromas will this make my buds taste like that? EDIT: i cant...
  2. rocksteady6

    Journals are destroyed....not happy

    Hey all. I am not a happy camper. All the photos that i uploaded to my thread and to other ones are fucked up. Instead of my pictures other peoples appear in their place. Has anyone else had this happen? I know of another one of my friends that has but just wondering if anything is being done to...
  3. rocksteady6

    Does War Actually Make Money?

    I have read numerous threads claiming that war drives the economy and is actually a money making scenario for the nation involved. In money making i dont mean that they do it on purpose, as this would be condemmed for obvious reasons, but i find it hard to believe that a nations government can...
  4. rocksteady6

    *Not looking good with pics*

    Hi all. This is my second grow and my seedlings are lookinng pretty poor. They are white rhino growing in 70% perlite and 30% soil. I am really trying not to overwater these ones but they are forming badly and i think they could be underwatered. They are in small pots for the moment but i cant...
  5. rocksteady6

    White Rhino under CFLs

    Hi all. Thanks for stopping by. This is my second grow but the first one is still going it just didnt go so well. Started with 3 plants and ended up with one outside. Anyway i am going to start two fem'd white rhino seeds very soon and needed some help on my grow area. I am going to use an...
  6. rocksteady6

    14000k CFL pile of crap?

    Hey all. Sorry for my bitter title but i bought this globe orignially as i thought and read a few things good about it. Now after a more in depth research it appears its only good for marine plants. I have 3 globes and all are 125w. 2700k, 6500k and the 14000k. I only have 2 holders for these...
  7. rocksteady6

    Apologies for last night

    Hi all. Just wanted to say sorry if you ended up in a conversation with me last night. I drank way too much and pretty sure i rambled on, nothing important, to a few people..... I was dubious of this site to begin with but now i am hooked bigtime.
  8. rocksteady6

    The moon and flowering outdoor??

    Hey all. Just curious about something. Just went outside for a durrie and we have a complete full moon. I hear a lot of harping on here about not letting your plants have any light, and i mean any, during the flowering process or you are going to stress the plants and maybe cause hems. Outside...
  9. rocksteady6

    Comments on my CFL Grow

    Hi all. Would love some comments and advice on my CFL grow... Link below.
  10. rocksteady6

    CFL Grow from Seed White Rhino and Bagseed

    Ok all its a fairly long story but i figure the more info i can give the better the advice will be. I planted 3 bagseed in plain potting mix with a small amount of time release nutes already in the soil. This was a while back and had them outside. I had them inside originally when they had...
  11. rocksteady6

    The Power of Nute Burn

    Hi all. I was a little bored and thought that some may find this funny and maybe a warning to those who are about to start using nutes. Below are three plants, all given the same amount but showed their stress at different times. All three were flushed at the first sign of nute burn but one is...
  12. rocksteady6

    Burnt to a cinder with pics

    Hi all. My plants are about a month old and still very small so i gave them a good dose of nutes and i am pretty sure i have burnt one of them. The reason i am unsure is that i gave the same amount to 2 other smaller plants and they are not showing any signs? I have them in soil and put them...
  13. rocksteady6

    Are my plants useless? Aussie based.

    Hi all. Can i just say what a wicked site. Some of the people on here have an unbelievable knowledge of growing. I was finishing off some smoke and had some leftover seeds and thought i would put them in some spare pots and see what happens. They ended up sprouting but the stems are sooooo weak...