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  1. M

    Do I have a problem?

    Hi guys, I started growing two Easy Ryder plants from seed about two weeks ago. I'm a noob and growing just for personal use, so my set up is a converted mini fridge with CFLs. Things seemed to be going well until the other day I started noticing one of the bigger leaves on one of my...
  2. M

    question about AK47 x Lowryder 2 , LST?

    Hi guys, I just got these and am in the process of germing. But my question is regarding height when these flower. These are autoflowering, and I've got a set up in a mini fridge that gives me about 3 ft of height to work with. On the seed package it says these can grow to 60 to 80 cms, which...
  3. M

    Help me with my first grow

    Hey guys, I've started my first grow with bagseed. Very excited! I set up a modified mini-fridge in my garage. I'm using florescent bulbs for now, got everything at the right temp, and well ventilated. I planted my germinated seeds about a week ago. They appear to be doing very well and...
  4. M

    Seeds for newb?

    Hi guys, I'm about to attempt my first grow. I'm setting up a mini fridge currently as my growing space. It's nearly three feet tall, and I'm going to attempt to grow 2 plants in there. But I'm not sure what strain is best for the size I'm working in, and for a beginner. Can anyone suggest...
  5. M

    Growing in a mini fridge?

    SO I found out I have access to a spare mini fridge. I'm thinking of using this to grow. But this will be my first attempt and I have questions. The fridge is about 2.5 feet high. I'm going to attempt to grow 2 plants in here. Can someone suggest a light set up for me? I've read CFL would...
  6. M

    Questions about growboxes

    Hi guys, I've been looking into growing a plant or two for my own personal use. I think I'd like to try using the Growlab 40 or Homebox XS. Are those big enough for someone who only wants to grow a couple plants at a time to support my own habbit? Anyone recommend one over the other? Also...