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  1. B

    75w Hps Or 150w Hps??

    alright well i have some plants in flower under flourascent i want to switch to hps but i have to keep how many watts i use as low as possible.. so how many plants do you think i could flower under a 75w hps alone and how many under a 150w hps with no cfls just the hps?? thankss
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    Few Questions.. Plz Help

    alright well i got a few questions hopefully someone can answer, i serched but didnt find exactly what i want. so just to let you know i got 2 girls i flower a clone that will be my new mother and a bunch!! in veg.1. what is a good soil mixture, i have been using miracle grow which i know isnt...
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    Is this enough light?

    Alright well here is the story, i got 6 plants in flower, this is my first grow and i just killed my mother but i got some clones from her earlier and one is in flower and the other will be my new mother, it sucks the other one was so big but hey its my first grow every thing cant be perfect...
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    Warm White Or Bright White Light?

    well one of my 2 ft flourscent lights burnt out it was a cool white one but now these lights are only used for flowering so should i get a warm white? but i know mixing spectrums is better, i also have 3 cfls and 2 are warm and one is bright white, so my quesion is should i run 2 flourscent warm...
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    Stealth Mother Cabinet

    well i only have one grow room, so i need a cabinet for my mother that no light escapes. so i am building a cabinet but im limited on space so it would not be much bigger than the plant? will the plant be able to live? i dont need to worry about the plant growing, i keep it trimed so its as big...
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    Cool White Or Warm White Light?

    well one of my 2 ft flourscent lights burnt out it was a cool white one but now these lights are only used for flowering so should i get a warm white? but i know mixing spectrums is better, i also have 3 cfls and 2 are warm and one is bright white, so my quesion is should i run 2 flourscent warm...
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    Help With Cloning Plz...

    alright well im having trouble cloning, hopefully someone can help me.. well i have tried every thing from cloning with soil, rockwool, water, a bubble cloner and i have got nothing to root...well i have a 20 watt plant and aquarium light on them, i do use rooting powder, right now they are in a...
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    Couple Of Cloning Questions...

    Alright well i got a couple questions hopefully someone can answer lol. first can you take a clone place it straight into 12/12 to sex it or does it need roots first?.. since the clones are taken from a fairly mature plant can i mist them with fox farm grow big like i do the normal plants? third...
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    Help With Bubble Cloner Plz!!

    Well im not sure this is the right section but i hope so.. Well i made a bubble cloner out of a coffee can filled it half-way up with water and put two airstones in it and it inside a gutted computer tower. the plants are about 3-5 inches from a 23 watt cfl.. Well question one.. Should i use...
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    Help With Bubble Cloner!!

    Well im not sure this is the right section but i hope so.. Well i made a bubble cloner out of a coffee can filled it half-way up with water and put two airstones in it and it inside a gutted computer tower. the plants are about 3-5 inches from a 23 watt cfl.. Well question one.. Should i use...
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    Should You Have Light On Your Clones Or No?

    alright well i have heard of people covering there clones from light untill the have roots all they do is mist them. Can you root a clone without light?.. THANKS..
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    Ph Adjustment Question?

    alright well im new to organic growing and i need to up my ph i was wondering if i need to use something like earth juice ph control which is organic or if i can use the cheaper stuff that is not organic? thanks..
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    My Build! Opinions Plz

    alright well i think this will work i just want to check and make sure before i build it. im taking a rubbermaid thing filling it with water and using and air pump with two outlets and two bubble stones. one per plant, im putting two 10 in netted buckets down throught the lid. SO do you think...
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    Question about deodorizers?

    my question is does a scented deodorizer affect the plant or lower the thc in any way? thanks.
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    Lighting Question Plz Help

    alright well as u can probally tell by my thread question this is my first grow. i have a question with what lights to use i bought 2 flourescent lights from my sisters boyfriend he used them and his plants were like 5 ft tall. there both 40 watt one is eco and one is eco/plant i have been...