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  1. Z4ch

    Question Please?

    So... SWIM left for two weeks on vacation, when she/he gets back SWIM's "partner" has overwater for the second time on the plants. She is through two weeks of flower and this is gonna be a huge loss in growth production over the next four to five days, if she makes it. Her leaves are stil...
  2. Z4ch

    Small Buds

    Okay, i really need some help... My buds come out very kif filled and full of flavor and high. But.. they are always small popcorns, deending on strain sometimes stringy..never large and in charge buds... Help would be so appreciated, take care...8)
  3. Z4ch

    Schwagstock 2010

    Wantin some info on schwagstock? I plan to attend in may. Never been before, but it sounds like a blast... Any stories? 5-0 bad otw in?
  4. Z4ch


    I have seedlings splitting open as we speak... Im about to run to home depot and get a peat dome...My question though, is can i just leave it under the kitchen light to start or would a flourescent have better effects? Any help is aprreciated, happy schmokin.:leaf:
  5. Z4ch

    First Timer...Help Anyone?

    This is my first grow and i had a few questions on my setup i was hopin someone could help me with... First, I'm in quite a large closet, but am only taking up got a small portion. Smell is no issue. Temp is around 70. I have 250 w hps/mh hydrofarm light w/ built in balllast (only planning to...